Thursday 9 May 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (9th May 2024)

Not yet upon a cloud, however, like a goat on the edge of a mountain cliff. The cloud is the only next move to make across that vast valleys to trek across. 

This is that one moment where it's a lesson in time on a personal experience. No one else is in this classroom for what is about to be taught, in fact, there's only the one desk to sit at. 

Maybe should have dug for just a few basic answers, finer details, to make it clear on why that seat remains to be seen filled. It's because they don't dig with that lifestyle. 

Have become this square head for looking through the square window for too long. So much so they could use that head as a stand to speak out on such matters. Why become the thing were trying to avoid becoming. 

So maybe they do have a gun to that head, forced to speak out accordingly. Only got oneself to blame. Let's hope this miracle occurs and allow to be picked up by others so can be forgiven. 

In the forest; if to want a smooth and straight path stick to the centre of that long road. Those edges make alsorts of bends and curves and weird shapes to get around. Just stay with the mass of what gives that perfect direction. It might be dark and overshadowed at least it won't confuse nor discourage. 

In the stones; not understanding where to be going and it didn't take long to realise by the baggage to be carrying, there's a decision to make at the first hurdle whether to take the time to overcome it or unload the weight to leap over, love then no longer needs to put their foot down if can make up that mind at last.

1 Kings Ch.6:V.7 " - And the house, when it was in building, was built of stone made ready before it was brought thither: so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house, while it was in building." 

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