Monday 20 May 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (20th May 2024)

Should have taken more notice of the details. While they wave a flag, it wasn't a surrendering white flag. Convincingly though, it abided them more time to understand what they sought answers for. 

The reality with small world's is they have edges to fall off from. And then land into the bigger world where the rest of the majority are. However, the problem isn't with the big world, it's the people from small worlds not being educated on real life. 

Certainly got those eyes on the prize. Which in fact is keeping an eye on the ball, however. It is the wrong ball to keep an eye on. First have to work the way up by playing the field, long before getting any hands on that prize ball. 

Choose which sport, cannot have both unfortunately. The reason is due to when and where it all takes place, so one or the other. 

Pity that fire in the eyes to show intense passion isn't the brightness to appear from the mind. Got enthusiasm and the determination but not the logic to be ambitious. This drive in life is to be given an option by an other. Whether to cross that bridge for success, or swim beneath it and go with the flow of the water. 

In the forest; that cheeky grin that makes all things seem comical. Yet hides behind a pair of shades that reflects the eye contact being made. Is just them looking out, making fun, and convincing everyone to laugh at themselves. Give it a while, might just realise who the joke is actually on. 

In the stones; just ride with it as even when they start to fail will find oneself continue to be successful, to them it's sink or swim for oneself it's the sky's the limit, love will be the deciding finish and with an honest heart no one drowns in success.

St. Mark Ch.4:V.19 " - And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful." 

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