Tuesday 14 May 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (14th May 2024)

Gambling on a very broad and distant horizon. A far to reach place in body let alone mind, and yet are prepared to make choices on that. 

May be very well that an elephant never forgets. Surely they must forgive or how else do they move on. 

Deciding on personal satisfactions can be putting the cart before the horse. Are only thinking of satisfying oneself, which is selfish, however that depends on the choices to have. 

Sometimes it's not just the bigger picture to paint that gets seen. It is for what method to use on painting that picture, too. 

All those simple solutions to make matters easier. Means nothing once to decide on a final outcome. The given answer and happy to settle on. Just as long as to realise, it was purely made simple for the sake of others in the end. 

In the forest; of course the biggest and oldest tree has dominance over all other trees. Being so deeply rooted will make a stand and claim the land it holds onto. Even if to let go, beneath the surface will be tainted for any other to take root. Why it's best to leave it as it stands and work with them than against. 

In the stones; however to be taking individual steps the path these steps go in are accustomed by the flow everyone takes, when those up ahead speed up their pace it leaves a wider gap having to leap than if keeping up with their speed on things, love may be that final goal yet to wait for how long is not something they want to consider.

Jeremiah Ch.8:V.14 " - Why do we sit still? assemble yourselves, and let us enter into the defenced cities, and let us be silent there: for the LORD our God hath put us to silence, and given us water of gall to drink, because we have sinned against the LORD." 

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