Thursday 23 May 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (23rd May 2024)

A bright idea, even that lightbulb requires to be screwed in. Getting into all the nooks and crannies but using which method exactly. 

Didn't even get to lift that cup, sure managed to spill it all over the side though. Whatever secrets to behold are now out. 

It's ironic. There's a loose nut and it requires consulting the manual. Perhaps if the nut wasn't loose in the first place then that manual would not be required. 

It's always the loud ones that scream out being the heart throb. When the overwhelming feelings are best left unsaid to be just that, feelings. 

When a nail gets hit over the head far too many times and hard. It gives off sparks and hot to the touch. On the other hand, a nail left poking out, is cold and at risk on harming someone where to bleed. 

In the forest; their voice is as silent as the lonely grown tree in the middle of a forest. It speaks in volume however the whispers are only heard if to listen. Open the mind and sense the surroundings, then it will sound like the words flow freely. Than see the difficulty in wondering how to climb it's branches. 

In the stones; everyone starts with their own boat floating in the same water and it is whom controls their boat for direction, many journey in the same circles yet some take a wider scale to distance themselves for their own path, love is not going to be a passing on the water whether to sail in similar circles or distant paths yet still found in the same water.

Ezekiel Ch.26:V.16 " - Then all the princes of the sea shall come down from their thrones, and lay away their robes, and put off their broidered garments: they shall clothe themselves with trembling; they shall sit upon the ground, and shall tremble at every moment, and be astonished at thee."

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