Wednesday 15 May 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (15th May 2024)

They're not just waving a white flag of surrender. The whole sky is as a sheet spread across above. 

Got the basic form and shape of it all. The inside is designed to be unpredictable for how it is looked on the outside. 

Sometimes it's not a choice to make, yet for what stands out that decides for. 

May take the weight off those wings for a while. Sitting on that perch, swinging to and fro, still continues with that flightless sense of feeling. 

Ironic, are willing to pull an empty cart around. Something designed to take the load and prevent oneself from heaving it's heavy weight. Yet, moan when to make use of that very cart for that very thing it's made for. We can all look the part, pretend to be busy doing that part. However, it takes others needs to really fulfill those duties. 

In the forest; be a bit difficult trying to put them back in their box. When they have the whole wide open space to run around in. Usually it takes those from a sheltered life that will oblige to going back in. However, for someone who lives wild and free, that's a whole new level of lifestyle. 

In the stones; the only main thought to have is catapulting oneself to get there but no sense on the process and it's safety, either make other plans to fit in with good timing or find another way to get there just as quick, love is basically wanting to be safe than sorry rather to put the cart before the horse.

St. Matthew Ch.23:V.18 " - And, Whosoever shall swear by the altar, it is nothing; but whosoever sweareth by the gift that is upon it, he is guilty." 

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