Wednesday 29 May 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (29th May 2024)

With some circumstances should be noticing the person underneath that uniform. While they look the part, are they really upto scratch. 

In the opposite sense of a fish out of fresh water. It's those hoping on a catch that have unexpected circumstances. 

If unaware for the required needs then how to know if they're doing it wrong. Perhaps not if to stay out of their personal space. 

There's a whole different perspective by being amongst everyone. A shared sense of belonging, until to all go in their individual separate ways. 

Think it's too far gone to go using that loaf now. Be like making toast of a situation. Similar as finding the end of a rainbow but all to discover is some other cold stone bridge. 

In the forest; gazing out of windows can be a distraction. While visualising the world outside and how to be amongst it. Are not seeing for what is going on within the four walls. The real matters that should be focused upon. The closer to home concerns than what is a few feet outdoors. Maybe then will realise what it is preventing from reaching the world outside that window. 

In the stones; some carry that heavy load upon their back and some carry the load upon their shoulders, it is how they carry the load that determines whether circumstances are rewarded, love never asked to over-do-it however being carried high seems uplifting than bending over backwards.

1 Samuel Ch.20:V.7 " - If he say thus, It is well; thy servant shall have peace: but if he be very wroth, then be sure that evil is determined by him." 

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