Friday 10 May 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (10th May 2024)

It's one thing having baby sitting on a shelf. It's another thing when certain hands decide to remove that shelf. Leaving absolutely no hope whatsoever. 

Even the smallest dose on a silver spoon can give depth. A tiny puddle reflecting a deep conscience that can get the mind thinking before to accept that spoonful. 

Everyone has some sort of box they fill mentally with their questions, hopes, and wishes. Then, that person grows and soon that box is smaller in size. All those filled imaginations don't seem so important. 

It's that "teaching gran how to suck on eggs" scenario. Little did anyone know, what comes in that package are before in presence of that one who packs the goods. 

It'll take a bit more than appetite to get them interested. They've trained their body and soul to mindfully know how to refuse such offers. Even if it's on a plate. However, they have those plates spinning on their finger. And won't give up trying to please and many others. 

In the forest; yes, there is a big wide world out there. And yes, can see a clear path from beyond the window of life. Yes also, there is too a window in the sky to broaden horizons. The reality is, upon which window to be looking out of to say yes to. With so many choices, so many directions, vast possibilities to decide. There is clearly more than just that one window everyone metaphorically speaks of. 

In the stones; if wanting to share dreams with eachother then might want to think big as that is how high they are dreaming, these dreams will determine the direction in each other's path and sobeit on which way to both go in, love is no dream and will always find eachother no matter how distance those dreams take.

Romans Ch.12:V.17 " - Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men." 

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