Saturday 4 May 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (4th May 2024)

That's what to call, lying low. At first glance in passing only saw something of no interest. Yet, if stayed put and remained to be seen will have noticed them emerging in plain view. 

Probably a good thing to put slight precautions in place. As time passes the head becomes heavy. And what to indulge in will only cause a headache. 

It's more than just finding that treasure trove. Will need to go around certain social circles, be seen in particular situations and scenarios, by the time to have that treasure in the hands. How is it going to look when all is revealed? 

If the person in question has no idea what it is they're suppose to be doing. Then is it a wrong thing to do as they attempt to do it. Like training a monkey to do something it never knew would be wrong. 

If to go judging a book by it's cover then the cover shall be what amazes the mind to dwelve deeper with the eyes. And even more so it continues to amaze by lots of other mesmerising detail. 

In the forest; sleeping like a log, so to speak. However, what plays on the mind is not unanswered questions. But, blank questions to fill where question marks appear. Knowing something is needing to be asked but what exactly. Without knowing the question will most certainly not have answers. 

In the stones; without a gradual flow in pace nothing is smoothly done but a full force of pressure, least to expect while trying to get things done is a backlash, love may seem to be testing the waters when really they awaited for the depths to fall so can only have feet wet.

Leviticus Ch.14:V.45 " - And he shall break down the house, the stones of it, and the timber thereof, and all the morter of the house; and he shall carry them forth out of the city into an unclean place." 

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