Friday 17 May 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (17th May 2024)

Two very different things but both equally in all it can give. To choose which side can only fall down to one thing, which looks better than the other. 

Like looking deeply into their soul, all is seen is the eyes to gaze into. From this glance will then reveal the rest of their physical form. That's the difference between dreams and reality. 

Perhaps that sad moonface is something to go by on. An unexpected visit appears during the night, and it's not going to be a happy to see them occasion. 

Been bottling it all up for so long now, even the bottle cap is starting to turn to melt from all the heated tension. Surprised it hasn't screamed like a pierced piston. 

Came with a book balanced on that head like an open book to a particular chapter. Only nothing to give for the delicate hands that wish to take the load off. Next time, perhaps recall from a memory shared both together with others, than consulting the manual. 

In the forest; making the right choices is understanding what is causing the shade. Some things are clouds hovering above that tend to follow around. However, there are times when the shadows form from that huge mountain to remain living by. Tall, towering, overwhelming, huge rock to give shade. It's either, having to climb it to achieve or move away and out from it's shadow. 

In the stones; some choices to make are not just mind decisions they also have to be in body too, no point in thinking can do something when knowing full well for the body it is impossible, love knows precisely if the body can put out and this sensation overpowers the mind to fulfill that desire.

Joshua Ch.24:V.14 " - Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD." 

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