Sunday 9 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (9th June 2024)

An interest to keep them keen has the precise observations wanted. Who better to keep an eye on things than the one who is very keen. 

Certainly watching the meter for when it reaches that perfect point. Let's hope it was all worth the wait. 

Maybe just a tad bit of research may come in handy. This fresh new title they come with, bet you didn't know it's the only copy as of yet. That's right, it's not even properly published yet. 

There is a certain moment where that pinch of salt to take can become so crushed they're wearing down thin to the finger bone. Try not to take it too far. 

Making an impression is the object, however. Don't try too hard as they come from a background that will have those impressions wearing someone out. If truly interested, instead allow them to do the impressive work that will really amaze others. 

In the forest; perhaps the whole meaning of keeping ears to the ground needs rethinking. Hanging around and upside down to make ears be on the ground. It's a little somewhat odd for the real purpose of having ears to the ground. Definitely some more practise on how to. 

In the stones; no cutting corners and those who appear from around them proves just that, what will there be to agree on if they made all that effort and journey while oneself happen to get there in the shortest quickest method, love being in it for the long haul is precisely meaning that for the long haul.

Acts Ch.8:V.33 " - In his humiliation his judgment was taken away: and who shall declare his generation? for his life is taken from the earth." 

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