Wednesday 12 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (12th June 2024)

Least to do can give some time to decide upon the varied options. To expect them to choose suddenly and hastily is not allowing them to decide. Especially when to quickly eliminate each one because they haven't chosen. 

If only every sweet scent to find can be like a rose wine in a glass. Not only to follow the nose but to place a satisfying reward on the lips, too. 

Allow every possible angle to look at, to build up an image from every perspective. Then can see the real image at any given point of view. 

Should have considered the size of the picture before grabbing the biggest paintbrush. 

Don't think having an open mind means literally a wide open mind. Not when can take advantage of such an open mind, and stir and manipulate any idea to follow. Why open out a reached hand to be given an offer. And it only entices to find other means. 

In the forest; the fact have laid nests along the same embankment. Even though placed an egg in each nest. They will both when hatched will look towards the same flowing river. Make use for it's vitality and resources. And head up stream all the same. To think have not put all the eggs in one basket, however. Are both equally to do the same thing to achieve in life. 

In the stones; two different views brought together like the sun and a dark cloud, the problem being those under a dark cloud disagree with the only light that can break through, love wishes both can bring a sense of equality of something not so bright but not too dark neither.

Zechariah Ch.14:V.3 " - Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle." 

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