Monday 10 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (10th June 2024)

Sometimes, the ending actually portrays how the story begins. Moment it reaches The End, start to think it over. 

Funny how as we grow older we tend to look back to question how life established. For who we become and developed to be today. 

Everything is all set, the thought out ideas are now put into real objects, everyone are being patient. And now, action. 

If life was all but a painting then we'd walk around holding a paintbrush to tarnish throughout our lives. Some people never let go of that paintbrush, even when it's time to reveal the big picture. 

A marriage could be as like two different novels about to be side-by-side together on a shelf. The commitment to make is not about a new beginning, it's about the story already written and what others attending have read.

In the forest; at moments as these, there is only a table in an empty room. The question is, what can bring to the table. A table that is the only meaning to be in the room. Nothing else fills the house, no furniture, no decor, not even a picture frame, the floor are just wooden creaky boards. What, can be brought to the table? 

In the stones; unfortunately being stuck and with no vision of a future cannot be undone by hoping someone will rectify those mistakes on behalf, the only hope they will give is knowing there is a path ahead but still need to find a way out, love is a pillar of strength but the foundations are creaky it'll take something strong from preventing it collapsing in on itself.

Proverbs Ch.28:V.20 " - A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent." 

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