Sunday 23 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (23rd June 2024)

Even with the light of day shining through the window. It's that guiding light from a flame of the candle that draws near. 

The large room to find oneself in gives a sense of needing to make choices. A distance from the centrally placed chair to the books on a shelf. That space to get from here to there causes decisions. The room is purposely laid out to 'think'. 

Is it their up close and in the face that causes discomfort. Or the fact they keep a very close watch on those decisions to make. Either way, certainly feel cannot do wanting to do. 

And how exactly do anyone know what the other wants. This arrogance is precisely what will destroy both of their surroundings. Sometimes over caring is what does more harm. 

Burning both end of a candle not necessarily burns quick. Depending on how turned in direction the flame burns determines the pace. Ever had anyone complain before until others turn things upside down. 

In the forest; unless are mistaken, as which eyes on a hill can see clearly at a distance. Perhaps those tunnels to pass through than go around is what resembles as eyes. Peeping holes where everyone takes their laid paths. Metaphorically, it's where to mean everyone are at and all will see. 

In the stones; not all things are looked from the eye but in every way and everything to be doing is how they see, consider are their eyes to put visions in how and where they are focusing, love may follow in these visions but they may also see it as diversion too.

2 Kings Ch.17:V.16 " - And they left all the commandments of the LORD their God, and made them molten images, even two calves, and made a grove, and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served Baal." 

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