Monday 3 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (3rd June 2024)

It's not like to be looking at the land of Narnia. To decide, if and when, that door is worth opening. There's a world out there already to know as. 

Well the eyes can see and the mouth can speak. However, the nose is unable to follow. 

Stories always begin from a minds journey. The inspiration began from when that person experienced life. And then, the words came after for any other to read. 

Before it all crumbles away and falls to dust. There will be one thing that remains standing. The will to carry on. 

Sometimes the bar is raised too high that no one expects to reach. And the actual success is passing under it. This then becomes for that banner all else and others will conform under. 

In the forest; some things require a view seen from above. While everything below seems neatly placed and aligned. 
There are some things that can't be seen from the ground. And must have that birds eye view to get the full scale on things. It's all about seeing for the bigger picture. 

In the stones; suddenly that central core do not seem central anymore now to been and gone onto a continuing path, perhaps there never was a central focal point but a destination instead, love when to go seeking for has no premonition for how long to go searching but it sure feels like have met in the middle of something.

2 Chronicles Ch.25:V.2 " - And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, but not with a perfect heart." 

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