Saturday 29 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (29th June 2024)

Little birdy tells there is a heart waiting to be filled. Like an open invite to fulfill those dreams. 

It's normal to query on the surroundings and recent events. The doubts are equally shared even with the locals and the wildlife are puzzled too. 

Maybe shouldn't be filling that face with a load of garbage. Then won't be speaking out with a load of garbage. It's pot calling kettle black. 

Determine whether their telepathic senses are reaching out widely across many or just personally oneself. It all comes down to detective work with others whether they're more powerful or just convincingly are. 

Not just having a gold pen balanced upon the head for whenever to go signing anything off. The entire look about them is golden and that pen is a fashion accessory. Perhaps were unaware to be part of their inner circle. It is actually others who gave the outsider impression. 

In the forest; well no one expected anything to be dragged out and stretched far. They did expect though was the next spelling out explanation. Only this one it's taking longer than it needs to be. Completely spanning the moment across the skies like a darkened atmosphere. In time it will pass. 

In the stones; slippery slopes are inevitable so make it fun as there will be a moment to reach a stop, some may not be so pleased to see it's a pleasant time when are going downwards than up, love makes it fashionable however for there being ups and downs which is therefore right to enjoy it normally.

St. Luke Ch.12:V.18 " - And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods." 

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