Sunday 30 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (30th June 2024)

No need to be offensive but telling them to show the real figure is a must. 

Surprisingly are on the same page, according to that above, when both are from complete different backgrounds. 

Not nostalgia if that interest still rocks to the masses. It's been a long road and still that band is together. Think it's more of where you been. 

They not only have the know how, they literally hold the keys to every possible door needing to open. Nothing stopping them from doing so. So what is? 

That's the whole point of having a reception. The initial first moment of knowing are in the right place. Of course, it's not a table at the front of the entrance hall. As others reception is rolling in making a commotion to let everyone know they've arrived. 

In the forest; first get the distance into its true perspective. Are believing too much of it being reachable like simply from A to B. Might find the journey a lot further than to think. Once to have this understood then can decide on which promises to make. Unless to think the ones promising are stupid? 

In the stones; perhaps if they were looking in the same direction they may have an agreed opinion, this type of person will have an opposing side when they do decide to look in the direction as everyone else, love is not going to be easy to push over they will stand their ground.

1 Timothy Ch.3:V.7 " - Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil." 

Saturday 29 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (29th June 2024)

Little birdy tells there is a heart waiting to be filled. Like an open invite to fulfill those dreams. 

It's normal to query on the surroundings and recent events. The doubts are equally shared even with the locals and the wildlife are puzzled too. 

Maybe shouldn't be filling that face with a load of garbage. Then won't be speaking out with a load of garbage. It's pot calling kettle black. 

Determine whether their telepathic senses are reaching out widely across many or just personally oneself. It all comes down to detective work with others whether they're more powerful or just convincingly are. 

Not just having a gold pen balanced upon the head for whenever to go signing anything off. The entire look about them is golden and that pen is a fashion accessory. Perhaps were unaware to be part of their inner circle. It is actually others who gave the outsider impression. 

In the forest; well no one expected anything to be dragged out and stretched far. They did expect though was the next spelling out explanation. Only this one it's taking longer than it needs to be. Completely spanning the moment across the skies like a darkened atmosphere. In time it will pass. 

In the stones; slippery slopes are inevitable so make it fun as there will be a moment to reach a stop, some may not be so pleased to see it's a pleasant time when are going downwards than up, love makes it fashionable however for there being ups and downs which is therefore right to enjoy it normally.

St. Luke Ch.12:V.18 " - And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods." 

Friday 28 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (28th June 2024)

It is a bridge over troubled waters. While some arrogantly believe water under a bridge, however. That water level rises and keeps on rising that eventually it will no longer be under it. 

That beak of theirs is what causes the most damage when poking it in. Although, the whole knowing for details has no impact. It's just the insult to injury. 

If only, winding that neck in could be a thing. Unfortunately, it's more about the long arm of the law. And that neck comes with it. 

Remember who they look upto, who they come running to for urgent answers, who they feel to trust. All that to give is only gentle guidance they will use to find their own way. 

While pretending to be a snake in long grass. Has actually been a hideaway for getting serious work done. To emerge will have something to show for than an act of betrayal. Just make sure others know for it too, unless wanting to go along with a name dragged through mud. 

In the forest; for someone who looks out at the world through a window. Remember those already out there will be to go looking into their minds vision. They know what that world is like and can tell a few tales. As for oneself, are only merely emerging into what they understand. 

In the stones; thinking on things twice over the expected answer wanted, even with a second head to come to an agreement are over thinking it, love prefers to be spontaneous and free will only this startles for being too thoughtful.

Ezekiel Ch.11:V.10 " - Ye shall fall by the sword; I will judge you in the border of Israel; and ye shall know that I am the LORD." 

Thursday 27 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (27th June 2024)

There are certain ideal ways for doing things. But, those slight unusual ways can only be personally maintained. It's when someone else wishes to follow suit they realise the individuality. 

Strange how when they're gone then show a keen interest of respect for them. A means of legacy to continue by their thoughts. 

Well isn't it all seemingly like a nativity. This looking down at them in a sheltered place. Witnessing all around and playing them within the background. 

So with such a watchful eye exactly what is meant to be watching for. All can tell is to know the comings and goings. There's no real details of actual inside information. 

Problem with a taste of what's to come. Is that taste soon becomes a craving for more. Sometimes, the greed gets the better and wants much more. This where to begin long journeys in search for other means of that flavour. 

In the forest; getting to the root of a problem doesn't seem to be going according to plan. The mess to been in that is now encouraged to keep a clear path. Only builds up by making use via other means. Whether the trash is scattered all around or piled up in a heap. It's still all the same mess to be clearing through. 

In the stones; it's always the one without a load on their mind that has plenty to think about, most people feel grounded when to carry such weight while the thoughtful ones can be carefree, love has a decision to make whether they accept the burden of their heart or wander to roam freely with much to consider.

Psalms Ch.53:V.1 " - The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good." 

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (26th June 2024)

It's on the tip of their tongue, how they want to have the country they're in seen by their own standards. Well, someone's got news for them. 

Just be certain for sure, the moment to grab that lever it'll ring hells bells out of it. That's the whole point, right. 

Under the circumstances, is it really believable that their important role is of by their own self proclaim. Considering for their usual environment and surroundings, seems more of a encouraged dress up. 

Too busy thinking of the world outside from an inner point of view. Slight imagination for how it is outside. Are not seeing for how it may seem from an outside looking in point of view. 

Judging an idol of molten rock with today's capabilities. Doubt this image of a person will even understand the meaning of today's outlook on the world. Way interests are going anything 'traditional' is slowly losing keen others. 

In the forest; taking matters lying down is hoping all those around will evolve and develop. As a central focal point, expanding all the required needs and wishes. So when to eventually arouse oneself enough to then stand. Will reach out in direction as those many have led a path for. Or, can start by laying the first step to walk oneself and then the many others follow. 

In the stones; ironically meeting in the middle literally does mean are only halfway no matter if crossed that bridge, will need to determine where precisely that middle is as the centre of a bridge clearly is not by the onsurge of demands, love is a great help in making a way through in pushing back unnecessary needs.

Numbers Ch.28:V.6 " - It is a continual burnt offering, which was ordained in mount Sinai for a sweet savour, a sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD." 

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (25th June 2024)

To consider "don't shoot the messenger" will suffice here. Clearly, they have no idea what message they are relaying nor whom to as a matter of fact. 

Those special memorable locations pinpointed around the world. Well, they won't be much special if they just remain circling around in the mind. Have to be there. 

Maybe it would have been best to inform that the anchor has dropped. While they believe are sitting on a love nest. Don't know it's the only thing to be now sitting on. 

Relying on something at a distance. The only benefit for being nearer is that the people to speak to won't have far to go neither. 

Don't be fooled by their mask to appear with. Soon as to turn a cheek their true character and purpose arises. As a leader will tell his flock that some others appear as wolves in sheep clothing. 

In the forest; just the two of them against the world. Like two love birds sitting on a perch. Looking out towards the distant lands and deciding where to journey onto. Both spreading their wings, flying in the same direction, finding a spot to rest. Gathering food, resources to build a nest, and back to that perch again. Sometimes, decisions are already made and the necessities for making those decisions encourage to thrive. 

In the stones; if two minds think alike then eventually it becomes just one single mind, this is what determines certain friendships to either be with or against yet selfishly, love needs a balancing point to feel equally weighed in mind that are both doing the right thing together.

St. Luke Ch.22:V.39 " - And he came out, and went, as he was wont, to the mount of Olives; and his disciples also followed him."

Monday 24 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (24th June 2024)

Self awareness is the key to advancing for success. Understanding oneself for the life to lead will make sense for the surroundings to be in. 

Maybe going through with a fine tooth comb has over did it just a little bit. Basically scrubbed the surface away in doing so that there is nothing more to go combing through. 

When many others expect to hear for more words than was spoken. It leaves a sense of uncertainty but also curious to know more. 

Definitely threw all the punches but made it last longer than most. Practically dragged out that long shot to make the most of it. 

While to be going through the emotions, not realising who exactly is feeling the pinch. Since the masses are doing the talking, upon others reactions they do finally surrender with waving the white flag. 

In the forest; considering it is a roof over their head. Yet such an old building with creaky floors and dead silent walls. Dusty drapes that overhang long windows. Once upon a time it was a mansion, now it is cold and old. However, it still is a roof over their head, just needs a bit of work and plenty of TLC. 

In the stones; uplifting to have the encouraging enthusiasm by others to achieve something, the more encouragement the ever more feeling of doing something right, love is indecisive with their own self feelings for being unsure of doing the right thing.

Ezekiel Ch.19:V.8 " - Then the nations set against him on every side from the provinces, and spread their net over him: he was taken in their pit." 

Sunday 23 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (23rd June 2024)

Even with the light of day shining through the window. It's that guiding light from a flame of the candle that draws near. 

The large room to find oneself in gives a sense of needing to make choices. A distance from the centrally placed chair to the books on a shelf. That space to get from here to there causes decisions. The room is purposely laid out to 'think'. 

Is it their up close and in the face that causes discomfort. Or the fact they keep a very close watch on those decisions to make. Either way, certainly feel cannot do wanting to do. 

And how exactly do anyone know what the other wants. This arrogance is precisely what will destroy both of their surroundings. Sometimes over caring is what does more harm. 

Burning both end of a candle not necessarily burns quick. Depending on how turned in direction the flame burns determines the pace. Ever had anyone complain before until others turn things upside down. 

In the forest; unless are mistaken, as which eyes on a hill can see clearly at a distance. Perhaps those tunnels to pass through than go around is what resembles as eyes. Peeping holes where everyone takes their laid paths. Metaphorically, it's where to mean everyone are at and all will see. 

In the stones; not all things are looked from the eye but in every way and everything to be doing is how they see, consider are their eyes to put visions in how and where they are focusing, love may follow in these visions but they may also see it as diversion too.

2 Kings Ch.17:V.16 " - And they left all the commandments of the LORD their God, and made them molten images, even two calves, and made a grove, and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served Baal." 

Saturday 22 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (22nd June 2024)

Some knights still live to tell the tale. It is the stories of the dead that hold such long words. 

It's a journey, a long one too, of great expectations. The first part is to get there, then can talk about future plans. 

They have the book in their hand and one of a tight grasp. If anyone is going to judge it is that of whom beholds it's presence. 

It was mentioned before of them slowly spelling it out. Well, here's the next letter they so arrogantly flick into place. 

If to allow for it to brew first then it'll give the benefits expected from such a concoction. With impatient souls, best thing to do is not let them know for it, yet. And doing so, watch the surprised and delighted face when to offer it to wanting others. 

In the forest; as legend goes there has been no considerate reason to lift that sword from the stone again. Unless there is a cause to pick up where the last person left it. It's obvious the job is done, deed has been concluded, what crusade has been required finalised. 

In the stones; finally realised how it's just the two of you and no one is coming to rescue either of the other, although there's always one who acts the third wheel and guess who saves the day, love if smart will use their idea only make it out on their own way with that someone on their arm.

St. Matthews Ch.22:V.22 " - When they had heard these words, they marvelled, and left him, and went their way." 

Friday 21 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (21st June 2024)

Why else will the place to be known for waiting at be gloriously alight. It's a place that is unmissable, cannot deny it in any shape or form. 

It's symbolic, anyone who wishes to touch it knows it holds a great purpose for why. The moment to embrace it's grasp will be realised for that symbolic reckoning. 

Dealing with someone who lives by train wrecks. Alongside them cannot be anymore of a damaged relationship. They're already doing it. 

Ever thought maybe are already living through that window in the sky. All there is to do is fall back through it to the ancient past buried long ago. 

Might want to check those extra pair of hands. While focused in mind, those extra pair might turn the pages that rest upon the head. Which in turn, later on realise that the planned out future is not as others made it out to be. 

In the forest; it seems they are slowly starting to spell it out. And let them, while it keeps them occupied it is peaceful. Let's hope at the end of it all, whatever they are trying to say, it's for the grace of good. Their final word will be a blessing upon everyone. Not a waste of theirs and everyone's time. 

In the stones; got passed the first few difficult steps what's to stop anyone now, to be honest there really is no obstacles further along it was just having the motivation to begin with, love comes as no surprise to bring that motivation several times over.

Psalms Ch.28:V.9 " - Save thy people, and bless thine inheritance: feed them also, and lift them up for ever." 

Thursday 20 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (20th June 2024)

Must have some experience in recognising such troubles. Certainly stopped that train in its tracks before it crashed. 

Less to know the better, as what trouble they went through to make things happen, what not to know won't hurt. 

Depending on who and how to see things. That of whom to walk the stairs feel to be going down. And then, those to be watching have the illusion are walking up. 

Clearly were expecting them, or why go all out pulling the stops to get them there. Some things cannot deny. 

Always those willing to listen who wishes to get every thing out in the open. Regardless for whom has to do the talking. Of all the people, it is them who speaks that decides which others hearken. 

In the forest; at first thought, will be driven towards that wanting destination. In fact, are just going around in the same circles over and over. And will keep doing so until that desired position has been reached. Only for now it doesn't quite seem so. 

In the stones; some may take a back seat view while others step forward yet all in all it's still black and white, eventually they will all see the same outcome to emerge from all of this, love will follow in any direction to be going in even if it feels in opposite than to expect.

1 Timothy Ch.1:V.5 " - Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned:" 

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (19th June 2024)

Clearly miss the point, the whole reason of the result to get. Sweetheart. They'll sweep the floor with anything in their way. 

For showing such a strong territorial behaviour have little to reveal for a comfy home. What is it exactly to be overprotective. 

If wasn't giving off such a frequency of noise then would not attract the sharks. And they're very curious from the commotion to make. 

In a similar sense of following the direction of the wind. Follow the direction everything else points towards where light shines. 

Big hands do not mean kinder donations. The generosity should be for any small token in the palm being held out. But giving hands soon become pointed fingers ontowards other notions. 

In the forest; in life there are slow starters and fast beginners. Neither get anywhere quicker yet instead become helpful to eachother. The slow starters when to realise the essentials in life, will notice a lack in resources. Why? It's where the fast beginners had already realised the necessities. Knowing that both require such needs, gives eachother the incentive and encouragement to keep going. Therefore, both reach the destined goal in life at the same time. It's not about a race, it's about strategy and tactics. 

In the stones; sometimes that hovering cloud becomes a downpour and ends up raining upon others, this shared emotion whether wanting to or not will either have people onside or left feeling wet, love is not going to leave anyone out in the cold and will invite them in for an opportunity to dry off.

Daniel Ch.12:V.8 " - And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?" 

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (18th June 2024)

Perhaps there is a reason why the way forward is not as simple as wanting it to be. Like trying to reach to where the heart is, have to work around it and discover what makes it beat. 

Took them at first glance, for granted upon their surroundings, arrogantly assumed they showed an interest in such things. 

Think the idea of a surprise is at some point eventually will remove the blind from their eyes. Only, it seems the surprise was to keep a hand over their vision at all costs. 

Can't blame them for having their eyes opened from the get go to this now craving. It's what they have lived, breathed, and tasted for. 

Thinking way ahead of their capabilities. Let them come to realise are born first, before piling on the important issues to find a need in telling. What are expecting, a raised army of confused individuals who know no better of others. 

In the forest; wouldn't call a tree that develops from the middle of the grass as being a snake. Yet a snake in the grass that finds itself in a tree then can be. Even if that snake offers something substantial, it was already for the taking. The real trick is, to lure them in believing they need permission. Then grant it by any means, when really they just never knew what they had in the first place. 

In the stones; not all things can be perfectly symmetrical as some sides need more supporting foundation than the other, it is what becomes established within the middle of those two supporting sides that matters, love even if to feel on a lonely path will lay that path to happiness.

2 Kings Ch.1:V.5 " - And when the messengers turned back unto him, he said unto them, Why are ye now turned back?" 

Monday 17 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (17th June 2024)

That eye in the sky certainly is looking down at the whole celebrations. It's practically the whole reason for doing so. 

Perhaps are not understanding the situation here. That crown upon its head is what keeps them being polite. If what infuriates them builds up too much will soon see that crown blowing off up into the air. Then will know the real mind underneath. 

All it takes is a gentle flick of a finger to get that ball rolling. The path ahead is smooth enough that the slightest nudge will roll on for the entire journey. 

There is disturbing noises and then there is really annoying disturbance. Who'd thought during a moment of peace and quiet there'll be a brass instrument playing to aggravate anyone. 

Did the balance book upon their head really think it will end well. Especially when it is a huge heavy book, something that seems to want to force their head down than educate up. Perhaps the hardship to gain knowledge is to be of one's own fault if to reach where others dare to. 

In the forest; not quite the being home and dry as expected. Least are under shelter while those doing all the hardwork for pure entertainment. The reason for being there is to be entertained. So suck it up for whatever outcome it has. Come wind, rain, snow or sun, they'll be there. 

In the stones; there is just no fault whatsoever with them even the timing is on the dot, to measure the pros and cons is a little dreamy that outweighs the reality anyway, love is a passionate flame that has no weight to measure just warmth.

Hosea Ch.1:V.5 " - And it shall come to pass at that day, that I will break the bow of Israel in the valley of Jazreel." 

Sunday 16 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (16th June 2024)

The only thing they've put a boot in is the now disrupted schedule planned out. Why? Because twinkle toes here now wishes to find the owner of this boot like a fairytale of cinderella. 

Scrubbing up the atmosphere so it becomes clean. Only thing can hear is the sound of loose coins raining down. Suppose there are more ways of cleaning up the streets than by a sweep. 

It's almost like an introduction, placing their mask first for them to walk into. A little over expecting how it'll turn out. 

While it's a watchtower for many to now see as a heritage to enjoy. Those up in that watchtower are also looking down at everyone. Views change on circumstances from a different angle of perspective. 

Patience is a virtue can be as waiting for that perfect moment. Like the right time to sample the finest wines. Allowing them to naturally ferment for a richer fuller flavour. Of course, some are impatient than others and want something sooner. 

In the forest; just keep focusing straight towards the centre. The main point for being there, the attention wanted. And try to ignore the discouraging eyesore. Yes, they're there to be part of the entertainment. And yes, they need to do it in their own spectacular style. All in all, they do get the purpose of their skills right, regardless of how lack of talent they look. Just listen. 

In the stones; just a little encouragement is all that is needed, once they conquered that mountain it's all upto them from there on, love may have taken that little longer to let go of their reins but didn't teach them to ride a bike for nothing.

Jeremiah Ch.31:V.31 " - Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:" 

Saturday 15 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (15th June 2024)

The idea of beer/wine goggles is to place on a vision that is seen from the perspective of that glass. Usually smaller in context to the actual mind. 

Well put it this way. If unable to find something in the first two to the dozen choices. Then there is always the 'other' option to occupy that mind. 

Let's face it. For the attire they appear to be presently wearing. It's not their everyday usual casual outfit. Might want to take them seriously for once. 

What else are a reason to be there for. There to be willing to part with hard earned cash and there they are willing to give an offer for it. 

Take it while the possibility is there, before they change their mind. Right now as of this moment they have no idea how delicious it smells nor how beautiful the flowers are scented. Besides, it's not like how they will be making any other offers like it ever again. 

In the forest; a wide mouth of a river do not need to divide land. Where at some point further inland will join together. Even the purpose for ships to come sailing in are shared equally on both sides. A distance apart but in spirit work towards the same needs. 

In the stones; going to need to make a bit more effort in making others see the same visions, while they walk the same path as per footing some people's eyes are not focused nor as high up to notice similarities, love knows precisely how to make someone see especially the truth that cannot be denied.

Nahum Ch.1:V.15 " - Behold upon the mountains the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace! O Judah, keep thy solemn feasts, perform thy vows: for the wicked shall no more pass through thee; he is utterly cut off." 

Friday 14 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (14th June 2024)

Time is no essence when it is required of in some other purpose to suit. It only matters for whom keeps watch on time. 

If only you knew, that mask actually makes them look far more realistic than the mannequin that hides behind it. 

Consider the environment to go destroying are being judged by the wildlife that lives within that environment. Wonder why they become hostile. 

Some times to give out the performance to desire will require to step out of that bubble. For one, they will need to hear clearly. Two, it might not be them who bursts it. 

Must be hard trying to be two people at once. The person who wants to be there for them. And the other person who just wishes to observe on their wellbeing and behaviour. Last thing they will want, is knowing to have watchful eyes over their shoulder, even if things go pear shaped and have the other latter option. 

In the forest; strange how two different sides can seem close together. Only look more closer and will see the boundaries between them. They just meet very close to those boundaries to give off the illusion for being close. Soon will realise when either one crosses the line. 

In the stones; if planning on trying to remove them from their tower and replace oneself there then be thankful for a hero who saves all from a battle, while may place a potential step to make near reconsider all possible means for the value of life is worth more elsewhere, love is no playground to go choosing whomsoever pleases at the time yet more of a bond that no other matters.

2 Chronicles Ch.30:V.8 " - Now be ye not stiffnecked, as your fathers were, but yield yourselves into the LORD, and enter into his sanctuary, which he hath sanctified for ever: and serve the LORD your God, that the fierceness of his wrath may turn away from you." 

Thursday 13 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (13th June 2024)

Their entire ideas and written text is based specifically around offal ingredients. It'll be just ironic if to be gutted. 

An understanding of their abilities but not of their circumstances. Ie. They realise they require certain needs, for what those needs are given are unknown. 

If it's footprints to follow then there are more than just the one pair hoping on finding. 

Their type of all fur coat and no knickers, is if not to be scared of their first impressions they can always flash their assets. 

Romance between the two is very much alive. However, for those opposing the romance is definitely dead. Even if there is a special offer to keep the romance alive, there can only be one true heart and with no other. 

In the forest; the environment is not what makes an animal wild. Where an animal is wild depends on how they survive. How they are loved and treated in society. Than to be let running loose and freely is as wild. Looking around every corner for anything to claim for themselves. Rather have a dominant life and reserved attitude on matters. 

In the stones; not necessarily the centre of attention who wants the attention but those around them encourages it, and it's more than wrapping them up in cotton wool yet addressing them as being angelic, love will bring out their true feelings and truthfully they just want all the fussing to stop.

St. Matthew Ch.22:V.46 " - And no man was able to answer him a word, neither durst any man from that day forth ask him any more questions." 

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (12th June 2024)

Least to do can give some time to decide upon the varied options. To expect them to choose suddenly and hastily is not allowing them to decide. Especially when to quickly eliminate each one because they haven't chosen. 

If only every sweet scent to find can be like a rose wine in a glass. Not only to follow the nose but to place a satisfying reward on the lips, too. 

Allow every possible angle to look at, to build up an image from every perspective. Then can see the real image at any given point of view. 

Should have considered the size of the picture before grabbing the biggest paintbrush. 

Don't think having an open mind means literally a wide open mind. Not when can take advantage of such an open mind, and stir and manipulate any idea to follow. Why open out a reached hand to be given an offer. And it only entices to find other means. 

In the forest; the fact have laid nests along the same embankment. Even though placed an egg in each nest. They will both when hatched will look towards the same flowing river. Make use for it's vitality and resources. And head up stream all the same. To think have not put all the eggs in one basket, however. Are both equally to do the same thing to achieve in life. 

In the stones; two different views brought together like the sun and a dark cloud, the problem being those under a dark cloud disagree with the only light that can break through, love wishes both can bring a sense of equality of something not so bright but not too dark neither.

Zechariah Ch.14:V.3 " - Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle." 

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (11th June 2024)

Prepare for two extremes, what to see as black and white, it will have a bright macho side and a dark feminine side. 

Maybe the set in stone has an actual meaning of being set in stone. Will need to use a special method to crack into where it is all 'set' into. 

There's a sense of realism and naturalist when it comes to being amongst the outdoors. Bringing the outdoors in has a even more sense to the feel. 

Good luck with getting through to them for any common sense. They're shielding that purpose of theirs with everything they have. 

To even out the odds, there's more concrete buildings than a green outdoors. Although provided, like a private grounds, it is still for every apartment block in and around it's locality. Unfortunately, to whom it concerns, the one at the top, a head to speak to. Believe it's how others prefer it. 

In the forest; encircled by the surroundings and given environment. While are taking centre stage and have that focal attention span. Does a circle have corners. According to this darkened section that separates from the rest of the circle, yes a circle can have a corner. Only for whom is it to turn, considering the circle this corner is on will move in a circular motion. And if, for whom has all the attention, there only is a spiralling choice. 

In the stones; thoughts shared are a lighter weight on the mind than just speaking what's on the mind alone, these thoughts that play havoc on the mind cannot be shared by anyone else, love may carry that load even share thoughts but they cannot lighten the load that belongs to another.

Ezekiel Ch.16:V.50 " - And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good." 

Monday 10 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (10th June 2024)

Sometimes, the ending actually portrays how the story begins. Moment it reaches The End, start to think it over. 

Funny how as we grow older we tend to look back to question how life established. For who we become and developed to be today. 

Everything is all set, the thought out ideas are now put into real objects, everyone are being patient. And now, action. 

If life was all but a painting then we'd walk around holding a paintbrush to tarnish throughout our lives. Some people never let go of that paintbrush, even when it's time to reveal the big picture. 

A marriage could be as like two different novels about to be side-by-side together on a shelf. The commitment to make is not about a new beginning, it's about the story already written and what others attending have read.

In the forest; at moments as these, there is only a table in an empty room. The question is, what can bring to the table. A table that is the only meaning to be in the room. Nothing else fills the house, no furniture, no decor, not even a picture frame, the floor are just wooden creaky boards. What, can be brought to the table? 

In the stones; unfortunately being stuck and with no vision of a future cannot be undone by hoping someone will rectify those mistakes on behalf, the only hope they will give is knowing there is a path ahead but still need to find a way out, love is a pillar of strength but the foundations are creaky it'll take something strong from preventing it collapsing in on itself.

Proverbs Ch.28:V.20 " - A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent." 

Sunday 9 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (9th June 2024)

An interest to keep them keen has the precise observations wanted. Who better to keep an eye on things than the one who is very keen. 

Certainly watching the meter for when it reaches that perfect point. Let's hope it was all worth the wait. 

Maybe just a tad bit of research may come in handy. This fresh new title they come with, bet you didn't know it's the only copy as of yet. That's right, it's not even properly published yet. 

There is a certain moment where that pinch of salt to take can become so crushed they're wearing down thin to the finger bone. Try not to take it too far. 

Making an impression is the object, however. Don't try too hard as they come from a background that will have those impressions wearing someone out. If truly interested, instead allow them to do the impressive work that will really amaze others. 

In the forest; perhaps the whole meaning of keeping ears to the ground needs rethinking. Hanging around and upside down to make ears be on the ground. It's a little somewhat odd for the real purpose of having ears to the ground. Definitely some more practise on how to. 

In the stones; no cutting corners and those who appear from around them proves just that, what will there be to agree on if they made all that effort and journey while oneself happen to get there in the shortest quickest method, love being in it for the long haul is precisely meaning that for the long haul.

Acts Ch.8:V.33 " - In his humiliation his judgment was taken away: and who shall declare his generation? for his life is taken from the earth." 

Saturday 8 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (8th June 2024)

Strange how to define what is good and what is not. Seemingly, having the power to do so as to please. It is therefore bad if someone stops it in their tracks. How so, when such good deeds have unknown potential. 

Funny how to be related to a vegetable when are in a docile state. No wonder why it's called their patch. 

Generous, in sharing what has repercussions for consequences. If one gains a dirty habit, so do all others. 

Maybe should see what it is in their hands first before being beckoned over by their come hither finger suggestion. It might just be what is in their hands that actually does the luring. The scent is very tempting. 

Harsh, but fair. They did say in a minute, only all other time after stood still. It wasn't a minute though, was it. Not just that, others were waiting also, for what being there is intended for. 

In the forest; the purpose of the home inherited over the generations still stands. However, the land all around has changed vastly over the years. To look up at the late ancestor who is portrayed proudly in frame. The one this is all possible for having. Has no meaning now when it comes to the importance of the land. Not like are going to hunt wild beasts with bow and arrow in the woods. 

In the stones; there's always one who has to stand out amongst everyone who are all doing the same thing, of course this draws all the attention to them that everyone forgets what it is they were doing or for, love appears through all the attention giving crowd and reminds everyone why they are there.

St. Luke Ch.2:V.47 " - And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers." 

Friday 7 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (7th June 2024)

What if, the love that surrounds them is just cotton wool to cover their natural feelings from a darkened heart. All to do is add some colour to a blackened soul. 

Not like are ruffling a few feathers. Complete opposite in fact, those feathered birds are ruffling the branches of a tree. 

There's always secrets to be told, like there is a huge stored amount of tell tales. Anyone will think are wanting to give away the ins and outs of it all. 

Just a boosted ego trip that believes have some authority of power. When the real title that appears to their name will then realise they have none. 

With a little faith that wall slowly closing in won't just yet. Something to have belief will be the support to stop the wall crumbling. If to look towards an horizon will notice the approach of others who believe too. 

In the forest; soon will realise that the shyness is actually a fear of being hidden. Hoping no one will discover the presence to give. If to uncover that shyness, reveal that presence, be seen, then that fear slowly fades. 
What has someone worried turns out to be the complete opposite of their meaning. 

In the stones; since childhood sweethearts have grown a relationship from however today still seek for that childhood romance, crossed so many bridges to build upon a strong foundation why want to go back, love is an eternity and understandable to have fear of losing the heart to someone when believed to find them.

Jeremiah Ch.5:V.29 " - Shall I not visit for these things? saith the LORD: shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this? 

Thursday 6 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (6th June 2024)

Locked rings for eternity, if a serpents tongue do not hiss and bite. 

Of course the hand that rocks the cradle is blamed. Not all cradles that rock are done by anyone's hand. 

Just another puppet for their strings to be pulled. For a messy process manages to keep that carpet clean than sweep dirt under it. 

Brave to be in the company of what will peck at the flesh. However, this vulture will not only test it's willpower but refuses to. 

Everyone's doors are open so it's not as if to decide purposely. Let's face it, will certainly go for the other door that has that aroma to follow the nose by. 

In the forest; not everything needs to be set in stone. Although the meaning for doing so has the purpose of what is set in stone. It is no more than making another pleasant memory while to remember those it would usually be all for. Somethings do not need to stop because those who once made it important is not to make it important. 

In the stones; building bridges is so can walk across to meet others on their side, while it is them making the effort to come over the feelings are not mutually met in the middle, love will step over but realise there are more directions to make than ontowards oneself.

Esther Ch.4:V.2 " - And came even before the king's gate: for none might enter into the king's gate clothed with sackcloth." 

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (5th June 2024)

Open the mind to notice things that are perceived the way they want to be. Then see beyond that where the bigger picture actually splits into individual parts. 

A witches brew requires all four elements, the herbs from the earth, the water to soak them in, the fire to boil that water to cook the herbs, and most vital the air to lure the aroma for the brew to attract someone's lips. 

Choose which way the mirror reflects. Only one side will reveal a reflective image, while the other side is a blank canvas. There are some reflections that not require a mirror, yet depends on which side is the light to see through the glass. 

It takes a cloud to be under that blinds the vision from the ground. Unless the moon is under the cloud also, will just have to be above the clouds to see the moonlight. 

To play a fine tune will be best when keeping a clean needle. Otherwise will continue to sound like a stuck record. Wouldn't play a violin with threaded strands on a bow. And it'll sound as fresh as story told to others of a fresh mind. 

In the forest; there is only one guiding light. While it may reflect and bend light to encourage direction. It is still just one guiding light. And will lure directly towards the destined location. Just need to know which light is drawing the minds focus. 

In the stones; it's time to bloom to the fullest only seem unsure like it's someone else's time to open, these moments never last long enough to take time to decide so it's here and now or better luck next time, love is willing to balance scales to suit both sides their needs however won't be around if things weigh too heavy one side.

Zechariah Ch.14:V.9 " - And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one." 

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (4th June 2024)

It's one of those titles where to be unsure on whether others are entitled to share. Not that they're fussy just a bit iffy on who they allow to acknowledge certain details. 

Knowing they already have their boot in with a foot on the pedal. It'll take some convincing for them to put their foot down and take matters a little more speedy. 

With an opportunity such as this, and after all that time searching, it's not something to think twice on. There is no second chance when the first took so long to arrive. 

Still waiting, still hoping, that the magical myth will soon take form. Yet again, another day put to bed with hope on tomorrow. 

It's that sacred even those who come to pay their respects and prayers are blessed to be there. Not just people who come by but others too such as animal and beast. 

In the forest; there is a lot of planning. Only this will take a while to get to anywhere showing results. So the theory is there, the manpower is there, the actual method is a moment to contemplate. Got the idea in motion but for what is to achieve will take time. 

In the stones; if having to look over their shoulder for the real interest then may as well talk to a wall, as it'll work for both ways if they see the keen interest for competition over that shoulder it places a wedge between, love is not going to be all welcome with open arms and expect eyes to wander away from their presence.

Numbers Ch.23:V.20 " - Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it." 

Monday 3 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (3rd June 2024)

It's not like to be looking at the land of Narnia. To decide, if and when, that door is worth opening. There's a world out there already to know as. 

Well the eyes can see and the mouth can speak. However, the nose is unable to follow. 

Stories always begin from a minds journey. The inspiration began from when that person experienced life. And then, the words came after for any other to read. 

Before it all crumbles away and falls to dust. There will be one thing that remains standing. The will to carry on. 

Sometimes the bar is raised too high that no one expects to reach. And the actual success is passing under it. This then becomes for that banner all else and others will conform under. 

In the forest; some things require a view seen from above. While everything below seems neatly placed and aligned. 
There are some things that can't be seen from the ground. And must have that birds eye view to get the full scale on things. It's all about seeing for the bigger picture. 

In the stones; suddenly that central core do not seem central anymore now to been and gone onto a continuing path, perhaps there never was a central focal point but a destination instead, love when to go seeking for has no premonition for how long to go searching but it sure feels like have met in the middle of something.

2 Chronicles Ch.25:V.2 " - And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, but not with a perfect heart." 

Sunday 2 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (2nd June 2024)

Silent is the bird that usually sings. Yet can be seen still, just not heard. 

A grip on matters do not resolve them. It just contains it and builds up with pressure. 

Sitting and watching while growing older and wiser. Observations are reserved and could lead to barking up the wrong tree. 

Need to know precisely what to go looking for if to go at a fine tooth comb. Just how fine detailed is it. 

Barely educated in such things to even notice what it is to be holding secret. It's the prying eyes of others needing to worry of discovering what to be saving up for. 

In the forest; having a point of view is like looking out at a mountain. While to see from a location with the particular shadow that casts. Direction of where the sun appears and disappears. The path to take that brings the mind to acknowledge. There will be someone at a different location looking at the same mountain. However, the shadows, sun, and paths to understand are of a different perspective. 

In the stones; following breadcrumbs only like a duck on water where some win some lose, even if not to be quick enough are then questioned about their intentions, love is something to be quoted on but are just another mouth to feed.

1 Timothy Ch.3:V.14 " - These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly:" 

Saturday 1 June 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (1st June 2024)

Believing in something is making it be real, yet to truly exist it must live as part of everyone's knowledge. 

Try stamping that date into the hemisphere where it'll be a significant time to consider. Like a heavenly calender where that becomes a yearly cycle. 

Almost as if to go throwing a spanner in the works. Only to use that spanner to scratch their puzzled head with. And there we have it. 

Going to need to have the skills of a chameleon. Have the ability to literally blend in. Especially when dealing with an elephant that doesn't forget. 

Ironic, how that one person who does the exact same thing as everyone else. And yet, they get to be centre of attention for doing so. Goes to show, it's not what you know but who you know. That separates oneself from others, even if are all doing the same thing. 

In the forest; the wind only touches what it intends to. While it blows and sense it's presence. Does the wind get so close where to feel it blow against the face? If not, then the wind was here for some thing or one else. Even to see the branches of the tree swaying in its direction. Yet, it doesn't seem to be anywhere near. 

In the stones; things may become confrontational depending on how heavy to carry the burden in what to believe in, while some come from an already established background are dealing with messengers who wish to change things, love is going to balance the scales for hearing both sides of a story.

St. Luke Ch.22:V.17 " - And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and said, Take this, and divide it among yourselves:"