Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Psychic Philosophy for Today (29th January 2025)

So are not cutting corners, however, where to make those turnings lead ontowards disapprovals. Sure got all the angles covered. 

With things to do that is a list as long as the arm. Surprised that arm isn't weighing down for too much of a burden. 

May leave a trail of wonders in a cloud drifting behind. These thoughts are appearing for speaking about them. Least not wandering inside the back of the mind. 

Always did have something kept under their hat. From such an earlier age too, all that changed was wearing a bonnet to then wearing a top hat. Still, something they're keeping under it. 

It's obvious what's on their brain, it's all they think about. Not that it is anything unhealthy of, it is excessive for how much they do. Just need someone who can keep that passion burning, even more so than others. 

In the forest; let's hope it is what to be looking for. As under that spotlight they appear cannot illuminate themselves anymore than that. Within a field of vast land to seek in, they sure stand out than most. Is it what to be wanting, otherwise back to the dim areas of life to go seeking again. 

In the stones; and tied off with a pretty bow is not how tying loose ends was expected, clearly are trying to keep this deal together with outstanding results, love will come to a decision to make for what's more important.

Isaiah Ch.26:V.20 " - Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast." 

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