Thursday, 23 January 2025

Psychic Philosophy for Today (23rd January 2025)

Can always tell by whom shall have a more important role in life. Generally, the many seen through the window pass by like a cloud in the sky. Those who stand out and remain in view longer are of importance. 

Accepting to deserve being punished is good enough. Were willing to take the rap upon that hand. The actual thrashing is unnecessary. 

Not as simple as to think, what might seem to have the whole world in their hands. There's only so much that world can remain in its grasp. 

Looks like will have to fight it out. Both are determined to dictate to eachother. Neither are on agreeing terms. And both are just as forceful. 

Feeling the pinch is an understatement, as that pinch is by a huge claw to grip onto. Thoughtfully, will speak with someone at the top. What is there to feel now when given the freedom of having what is needed that others want. 

In the forest; the path is laid, almost like a rolled out red carpet. Although it is direct and straightforward, there is the matter of which side to walk on. Unlike a choice of direction as are either sides heading in the same way. Yet, a choice on whom and which to prefer to be seen walking down with. 

In the stones; usually a giant leap is from one step to another however have leapt over several steps at once, in hindsight for doing so had avoided all the doubting and trust issues where instead surpassed that with all the determination, love doesn't want to later realise have made bad choices but only doubts create those.

Psalms Ch.18:V.44 " - As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me: the strangers shall submit themselves unto me." 

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