It's already in their hand, grasped within their fingertips, willing at the ready. Just say when.
Not all things at first are revealed as the beauty it grows into. Some appear disorientated till it surfaces from out of its grotesque existence.
Is there ever the perfect right time, deciding when it's good and ready. Who makes these decisions, as it certainly isn't like a choice to have.
Being a chip off the old block isn't the same as teaching a fresh faced individual the same knowledge. They're not continuing someone else's vision in mind. Instead are making their own take on things.
Once a lion that roared, now are a lion that has lost its roar. Quite sad when it comes to telling the cubs. If the young depend on stories of others, then who's to be the next roaring king of a jungle.
In the forest; while some do not like change, and wouldn't blame them for where those certain things are built to last. The modern age has the old looking slightly out of place. A centuries old bridge made of the same stone a sword cannot be removed from. And established next to it is a more advanced futuristic looking building. Is the change for new age designs really in need of replacing. Why try to fix something if it is not broken and had been built to bridge across once already.
Ezekiel Ch.7:V.14 " - They have blown the trumpet, even to make all ready; but none goeth to the battle: for my wrath is upon all the multitude thereof."
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