Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Psychic Philosophy for Today (22nd January 2025)

Such a quiet life, although there is something to be spoken of. It shall entice all whom so endure the moment by the same quiet life to lead. 

Baring it's fruits from its tree, that none to fall will seed within the shadow of its own barer. 
All know too well, to establish into something for theirself need to root at a distance. 

Consider this camera as the billy goat that charges a toll. Depending on how well to perform that goat won't allow passage. 

Taking chances upon still waters when hoping it'll drive a direction ontowards. Other than, have been led near to a undesirable situation. Sometimes it pays to rock the boat a little to get somewhere. 

Know full well every minute passing is accounted. And just why do think the cometh hour will give out a reminding chime. As so many hours passed by the ringing of that hourly call. No other obvious answer, it seems they are not coming. 

In the forest; that's just it. The puzzled look, or what is left of it. A face like a broken porcelain doll. The mind smashed wide open, no wonder cannot figure it all out. It's blown way out of proportion, left with only emptiness and lonely feelings. Trying to build on something no longer there. Whatever thoughts to have had, they're all out there somewhere. 

In the stones; pushing two people together may turn into something later to regret, after all the intentions were for oneself so why encourage them to be with another, love doubts stir for all and if anything can be pulled out of this hopefully the truth in feelings.

Acts Ch.1:V.17 " - For he was numbered with us, and had obtained part of this ministry." 

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