Sunday, 12 January 2025

Psychic Philosophy for Today (12th January 2025)

If preparing to throw the ball into their court, then they're good and ready with a mitt to catch it. 

Getting a bit hot under the collar can see the steam rising from around the neck. Perhaps next time not to keep it all to oneself. 

It's no competition but there is a touch of rivalry for who gives the better advice. 

Look beyond where the eyes can see for where sleepless nights stir the mind. 

This is something oneself must do, it's no need for a phoenix to rise again from its ashes. It is a change required to make it happen. One for the history books too for when others wish to read all about it. 

In the forest; just grinding it down to the daily news. Yet it's not news for the concerning local area. Filling the head with someone elses problems. If it's half solved for being half shared, however. Who's to know whether those problems are, and not taking any realisation for ones own problems if to have any. 

In the stones; they don't need a push towards their aims but a little nudge won't hurt, they'll thank you for it even though it was all them anyway but it removed any doubts, love plays for these butterflies too and anyone to catch them to make it simple is appreciated.

Micah Ch.5:V.5 " - And this man shall be the peace, when the Assyrian shall come into our land: and when he shall tread in our palaces, then shall we raise against him seven shepherds, and eight principal men." 

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