Sunday, 5 January 2025

Psychic Philosophy for Today (5th January 2025)

Understanding how to preferably make use for those claws. While some dig in to scratch a surface, most ideal will be to use for just grip. 

Is a horizon to broadly dream of the same as seeing the light of day break through the early skies. Or will that be a wake up call and be reminded again for being clear as day. 

Unwilling to allow their dominion to fail and continue their legacy. Yet a throne once seated upon now dormant and cold. Whose to speak where the dead are silent. 

Intentions are clear from the start before anyone climbs onboard. To share such wishes should not everyone be in the same boat. 

Walked straight into that one, now shackled in ball and chain. Surely if to felt a trap, then it is without a doubt an unloved relationship. With all matters that rely upon wind in the sails, not any other could tell how the wind changed. 

In the forest; too high up in view to have any thought for what upon the ground is like. Standing upon the peak of mountains can not see for what dwells within the valleys. Even if to be present below where those exist. The head will still be to remain in the clouds. 

In the stones; ideally steps to take gradually should be the same from either direction whether to be repeated, it is those who are required to repeat that step will find competition within those who take it for first time, love is obviously being competitive and expect precise achievement however what someone has where the other has not.

Nehemiah Ch.5:V.19 " - Think upon me, my God, for good, according to all that I have done for this people." 

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Psychic Philosophy for Today (4th January 2025)

Guidance given for as far as they are willing. The ontowards light to lead the way will be a choice of ones own to make. And yes, it's a risk, the initial guidance hasn't encouraged. 

So much for keeping it secret, as the hand on mouth to conceal the giggling certainly tickles the tip of the tongue. Won't be long before something too eager to reveal gives. 

If only they knew the time consuming it takes to produce. These certain individuals who think everything is at hand for when they want it. And the nerve to then criticise if not what they wanted. 

Don't even rise to their level, best course of action is to pretend they're not to be seen. Just go about as are, and ignore the fact how ready they are to bite at the first moment. 

See how everyone follows each other, continuing this same fate as the last. All individually attempting the same to lift the sword from the stone. Why not just chip away at the stone? 
Did everyone really believe in the legendary tale and will achieve like no other to reach where only one has already succeeded. 

In the forest; and now the rest of the year begins where to keep those children happy. For Santa who comes by just once a year. Guess who has to take care for the rest of the days. With any luck, that once a year joy will last throughout the remaining time, till again. It must be something magically to spread all around the world for that once in a moment. And keep that magik fulfilled. 

In the stones; the only baggage they bring is themselves and the heart they have to offer, whether to keep going around in circles there is at some point where both joined that circle, love will find these two points and tie them together to close that circle to ever keep going around in.

1 Samuel Ch.26:V.11 " - The LORD forbid that I should stretch forth mine hand against the LORD's anointed: but, I pray thee, take thou now the spear that is at his bolster, and the cruse of water, and let us go." 

Friday, 3 January 2025

Psychic Philosophy for Today (3rd January 2025)

May want to dust off any old cobwebs, before more appears on top. As no spider will occupy anothers web and spin their own. 

Expecting something alright, not quite as what to first thought. Yes, they have a bun in the oven, the sort of bun to expect visitors for tea. 

If a flame was alive, a guiding flame as that, then what does the flame follow for guidance if they are the guiding light. 

Seeing the passion burn within their eyes, yet saddened for a smile that cease to exist. For knowing that passion won't burn for long if to lose interest. 

This heart is as a cushion in need for repair. The care and tenderness to sew back into shape. After it has been worn down over time. There are so many hearts for cushions needing that same T.L.C.

In the forest; what generally considered as doing the lord's work. Angels in heaven ruling above, and seen as bright stars in the night sky. Reigning down like three gods upon the earth. And yet, this circumstance is upon release of the devil below. To watch for presence on earth since now they rise above. What good rises high shall only bring forth the evil beneath to rise too. If two wrongs ever did make a right. 

In the stones; their idea of bending over backwards is laying back and taking a more relaxed view on things, this method in theory will reveal whom likes to pressure and make demands thus creating the need to sit up, love desires to be kept on their toes yet they yearn for adventurous journeys and passionate interests besides.

Ezekiel Ch.29:V.8 " - Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will bring a sword upon thee, and cut off man and beast out of thee." 

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Psychic Philosophy for Today (2nd January 2025)

There is nothing Santa has not seen, besides how else does he divide which presents for the good and naughty list. 

Can always make room for one more, a filled shelf tends to create space for yet another title to add to the vast many. 

Not just a rose between two thorns, also lay upon and awaken like on a bed of roses. Certainly coming up smelling like them. 

Will go in the direction it is given, cannot decide on any alternative. Everything points in that way it's inevitable. 

Nothing wrong in falling deeply into dreams, however. Are taking precautions to stay afloat incase to drown in them. Which is good, as then can share those dreams along the path with others. 

In the forest; if not to let the heart rule the head at some point, then how will expect to wear that heart upon the sleeve. Although, saying this, it's an open opportunity to put the boot in too. Thankfully, can wear it well, so whichever outcome to endure will still appear as expected. 

In the stones; conquered the peak of that mountain and high above to see all around but now what, others may come by to conquer that mountain too while trying to maintain ones own ego, love won't fight for that position but they do want some stimulating mind to interest them with and the mountain peak is not it.

Job Ch.30:V.10 " - They abhor me, they flee far from me, and spare not to spit in my face." 

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Psychic Philosophy for Today (1st January 2025)

Strange how that of the same breed can be of opposite beliefs. And all by having a different hairstyle for a trend. 

Bombshells dropped generally affect the people in that room. This is secretly surprised on so it's more for a bullet to the brain. 

There was no fire and yet are drenching the place with water. Although, there is a snake, sly and crafty, don't think the water will put it out. 

The road is very wide, so being on opposite sides of the track and wanting to approach is deliberate. 

All is done formally, attracted at first, got to know their name, and what about it for taking them on for pleasure? It's no surprise neither, an other time to meet again. Only this time already know what to expect, surely they're just irrestible. 

In the forest; it's not just claiming a plot of land. It's placing surrounding boundaries and enforcing for whom can be present. Pushing any localised habitants away from this claimed land. And expanding if to grow and want to survive. It's invading to conquer what is already being lived in. That being man or beast. 

In the stones; not just on their high horse also putting up a competitive show in the old medieval way, and prepared to give more if not to back off so expect the burning oil, love will win the battle and castles can be in ruins that then wins the war.

Jeremiah Ch.31:V.3 " - The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee."