Thursday 3 October 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (3rd October 2024)

Perhaps it'll be better to watch from the sidelines, remain in the background, step back to observe from the shadows. That centre of attention no longer becomes centre once to near. 

See for what they offer, as what they seem to give is not what to expect. In fact, what is wanted by them, they behold, when not to take them up on it. 

Just sniffing around trying to seek out a scent of a trail. Their snarling is just for not finding what they hoped for. They'll get over it. 

Finally see through the veil that opened the window to that outside world. Can see the desperation in that frogs face, this kiss has a lot at stake for their claws digging in. 

Didn't take much to reveal their true colours. It must have been frustrating for them to keep biting their tongue while hiding behind a fake mask. Something finally snapped in them. Now they can sit amongst other people in high places. Something they all share. 

In the forest; take a wild guess, actually it's a guess out of many. Instead of taking them at first glance they come with plenty to choose from. Images of random interests pass by like a dealt deck of cards. Pick one and will soon see how they conform to that choice. 

In the stones; unless they have suddenly grown wings and can fly however they're no angel so are demanding they come down, clearly there is this passing the buck for who really is to blame which is an ongoing and ongoing debate, love needs to settle this before moving on and won't budge until it's finally put to bed (pardon the pun).

Jeremiah Ch.12:V.15 " - And it shall come to pass, after that I have plucked them out I will return, and have compassion on them, and will bring them again, every man to his heritage, and every man to his land." 

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