Wednesday 16 October 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (16th October 2024)

Ironically, the saying can cut the atmosphere with a knife. Yet, it is this battleaxe, sharp as a freshly sharpened edge of a blade to an axe, who is cutting that atmosphere. 

It's the attack of the blue dyed hair women. Not any one of them have even read a single word from any of those important references. The manual, so to speak, that keeps the cogs turning. And here they are with a direct passage to give everyone a piece of their mind. 

Well it was mentioned already for the troubles with Cupid. So, yes, will have to persevere for now on the harp being played instead. Enjoy being wooed for now until cupid gets his head on right to strike a bow. 

Even vultures who eat upon the flesh of rotten corpses, too, do they moan of their treatment in life. And speak out loudly while doing so. Being in that situation would have thought are in no position to complain. Life has become so cruel that not even rotten flesh is good enough anymore. 

Well of course he is unhappy, who wouldn't be if having to go around being seen with a hideous oversized large hat. And no, it is not for the sake of a siesta. Just so happens, like knowing which side of the bread is buttered, proposes they make use of this hat as if it was made for another, which it does fit well. 

In the forest; being at a crossroads would have been more ideal. Least then have more for a choice than the indecisive one right now. At a crossroads gives the option of straight ahead, left, right, or go back without feeling pressured. However, here there is only two options, the left path or the right. This lesser of two evils only gives the reassurance that one is the right way ahead. Unlike the crossroads where to still feel confused and lost with the choice of taking a guess. 

In the stones; for this circumstance oneself is the giant that others walk on the shoulders of, what may be helpful is having strong arms as there will be a lot of weight to carry from everyone to be helping, love upon this path sees all the good within that mind and heart which draws their attraction.

2 Chronicles Ch.10:V.9 " - And he said unto them, What advice give ye that we may return answer to this people, which have spoken to me, saying, Ease somewhat the yoke that thy father did put upon us?" 

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