Tuesday 15 October 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (15th October 2024)

This whistling in the wind can write a song from its high notes. Almost like the wind is drawing attention by gentle singing. 

Strange how the natural circumstances is what opposes with the unnatural. Why false a look that will only be ruined by what comes naturally. 

Perhaps try giving cupid a day off, his head is not all in it and a bow n arrow that looks wonky. Wouldn't want just any sort of random, atleast allow some rest to have a clearer picture for whom. 

An ancient spirit that has walked the plains of earth for centuries. Growing and becoming stronger, due to their burial ground in a maze for a tomb. The laid to rest place is deliberate to trap their soul here forever. 

Decide whether to believe with the ears from the words to hear. Or, will the eyes be more convincing with what is clear to see. Just the two are not being connected at the same time and place. There is always a third, some thing other, that'll place them together. Just have to go searching for it. 

In the forest; deeds to land are to be found where knowing the place there to be at. Still located at the last place to check and where always kept. Maybe it's something inside the mind that is saying there are somewhere else. A sense for them belonging in the hands of another. Yet no matter how the imagination plays out, the right results will always be of upperhand. 

In the stones; following guidance that only leads ontowards a sting in the tail to wonder was it guidance or bait, if to follow the mind then the path looks straight up ahead however there can be a deep fall if not careful, love will need to choose whether it's worth the heartache when the mind is convinced otherwise.

St. Matthew Ch.4:V.7 " - Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." 

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