Tuesday 1 October 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (1st October 2024)

Unable to listen so they have to sucker punch it to them. Just don't know the edge to be walking on. 

It's only a nightmare if to make it become one. Just enjoy the meal and appreciate the moment. Why make a poor dream turn into something worse for yourself. 

To see a man about a dog. Only it becomes more of an interest for the man. There was never a dog, it was all man for man. 

Not so much as a tower fallen to ruins, it's just now leaning on its side. Matters are to be taken horizontal and not so highly towering above. 

First things first, which is preparing that something. Next, to bring that something to them. What has to be thought out, getting from A to B before that dish is served cold. And of all the things added to it, working out what transport was not on the others list of important things to do. 

In the forest; when someone comes biting down hard for the area to live in. The last thing to expect them of is to take a bite out of the home. Considering it safe as houses, only it becomes ones own maze to be trapped in when to sense them passing above. Trying to hide from out of their sight, however they take bigger bites than they can chew. 

In the stones; think we can for this once put it down to as letting them get far ahead with that dream, this ahead of the dream actually blindsides the path from seeing straight for filling the mind with maybes, love will see right through all that bullshit and gaze deeply into those eyes where true emotions stir the dreams worth following.

St. Luke Ch.12:V.3 " - Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops."

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