Wednesday 2 October 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (2nd October 2024)

So the cracks are showing, this is where to tell whom are ignorant towards such obvious thing. Most will know not to make matters worse, and then, some will pretend to not notice and break the cracks even more. 

It's true, can never tell what might come out of that big mouth of theirs. For being, it is so widely open that anything can get thrown in and then spat out again. Best thing to do is just not feed it with anymore details. 

Not worth even thinking about what becomes of an unkissed frog. It obviously doesn't turn into a prince. Infact it will be the exact thing didn't want. 

If matters on the mind have not got too bad to think about. There might just be some room to be pleasurably distracted. Otherwise the head is just not feeling it. 

Well things must be desperate on the romantic front. Surely, are just holding on to fond memories hoping they can be revived again with someone new. Even if relationships of new occur it is all built upon the relationships of others before. 

In the forest; trying to see through the eyes of a creature of the night. Having cats eyes will give a small world perspective. Yet an adventurous journey if to allow them to roam wild. With a life oneself has of being tied down, this alter-ego gives some escapism. 

In the stones; it's long been told and now to see for oneself by looking at them just know they will be better off behind that mask, unlike a wedge between eachother are both sitting on that wedge and it's life that comes between the two, love will turn those obstacles into small size gaps that become the wedge between those who believe otherwise.

Acts Ch.26:V.18 " - To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me." 

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