Monday, 3 February 2025

Psychic Philosophy for Today (3rd February 2025)

Can iron it out as smoothly as wanting to. It still requires a long stretch to reach that destination. 

Might be a while till the flames rekindle. During the meantime, an offer of tantalising tastes. 

While clocks may be turned back, the occasion that took place has already once occured. Cannot change history. 

Taking this whole living life to the edge quite massively. If that platform reaching further out across water like a pier has anything to do with it. 

Be surprised just how quickly they become for that young, free and ready to mingle type again. If only they got the place right, however. Saying this, there is potential, if are into that sort of thing others might not. 

In the forest; certain points of interest are to behold. So much so a symbolic statue represents the purpose for that keen eye. Can see it in the statues face how pleasantly glad they are. For all the vast individuals that come by. 

In the stones; certainly put a smile on their face although it could be for anyone, wherever their eyes lure it can be as to start over again, love isn't quite having their hat blown off that's down to them being open from the start.

Isaiah Ch.2:V.30 " - For ye shall be as an oak whose leaf fadeth, and as a garden that hath no water." 

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