Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Psychic Philosophy for Today (26th February 2025)

Some are intended for being destined for the outside. They are to learn a different way of living than for those who are shut up in a building all day. 

Should be use to it by now, looking like the jester. Expected to be the fool for everyone. What else can possibly be wanted of someone dressed to be ridiculed. 

If it's true, then riding upon the shoulders of giants should know where to be heading. That's the whole point, right, for getting somewhere quicker than wanted. 

While it seems still and peaceful, chances are there is a lot of life going on if to tread deeper within. Just not seeing it for not being it. 

Perhaps you just had to be there to get it. When it's a generational thing, what does change that can dissatisfy someone that once pleased many in the past. Like a sudden change in direction, as the wind, every other person makes. 

In the forest; not all rivers run deep yet the bridges are built high. Barely see a flowing stream under that bridge. All the same it's water under a bridge that does not want to be passing closely by. Really thought this one through and wish whatever was to be forgotten. Let's hope everyone else who takes up passage sees it the same way. 

In the stones; whether during ancient times or present days it is obviously never something ordinary folk will be doing, somehow all this unusual behaviour is incorporated with the everyday regular occurence, love does that same feeling where anything is possible and can be achieved.

Isaiah Ch.54:V.13 " - And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children." 

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