Thursday, 27 February 2025

Psychic Philosophy for Today (27th February 2025)

The complete opposite infact, what is to be thought as bursting their bubble, have actually put them in a bubble. 

Have to accept they're not that small baby being pushed around in a pram anymore. They grew out of that blanket a long time ago. 

It's good to turn life around again from having a world turned upside down. This was not by chance it was something growing up with and finding a way to be someone. 

Some can't see beyond that smile, it is all they see like the smiling cheshire cat. Little do they know have been made to feel small in a world of make believe. 

Things are down the pipeline, as all things that go on further, will need supporting to keep such distances going. Depending on how long determines how many points of support is needed. This is where others will know for what outcome to receive, where that support ends. 

In the forest; ever thought that maybe what is considered to be at fault is what actually cleanses things. The want for clean air, clear skies, fresh water, and blooming colour. Those industrial buildings that stretch across the land, finding the cause to blame
Where really are preventing that pollution from escaping into the atmosphere. 

In the stones; well when push comes to shove be sure can land on the feet before it being a nosedive, no one wants to be pushed around from one thing to the next, love will take onboard everything suggestive but it is their decision at the end of day.

St. Luke Ch.7:V.31 " - And the Lord said, Whereunto then shall I liken the men of this generation? and to what are they like?" 

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