Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (27th November 2024)

Under the circumstances, what built that better standard for living. Certainly has its darker side for truth. And then, what really does live under shadows for a lower degrade, are clean as a whistle. 

The ideology of being free as a bird seems like a plan. However, a bird also fattens themselves up to keep warm for winter. Sometimes, those free moments can have circumstances. 

Let's just say, it was all for a show. This trophy winning was like giving them a medal, although who sees for it now it is done. 

Have a choice here on whether to continue on down that dark tunnel or make alternative arrangements. The choice is by opening up those huge double doors to the tunnels entrance. 

Worked hard all throughout that life time. That washboard and bucket should now well and truly become pleasantries to be gifted with. This new found pleasure should be enjoyed. Don't let any other allow to be dragged back into that life before. 

In the forest; that's the idea for a 'surprise'. Whether it is an ambush, intervention, or a cat out of the bag. The real surprise is whether for good or not-so-good. However, as it is the season for giving and good will. Think this surprise will be a very nice and pleasant one. 

In the stones; can only do so much for them so sit back and watch to see if they finally sink or swim, thankfully if to swim will then for a change be bringing you on board instead, love is a two way feat so what is put into a relationship will get out of it too.

Ezekiel Ch.43:V.9 " - Now let them put away their whoredom, and the carcases of their kings, far from me, and I will dwell in the midst of them for ever." 

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