This cradle has been rocked so many times would think it'll be use to it by now. Not even the obvious constant mendings to broken parts of the cradle from falling.
Confidence is bringing their own cutlery to a table they intend on getting their feet under. Arrogance would be inviting themselves.
A status of importance and just by looking at them. Only, from the state of them can easily say they been discouraged from succeeding.
If only to know what all the wailing is about. Then, maybe, can start to comfort those tears.
It's a bit cart before the horse, knowing their name before meeting them face to face. Should it not be greeted first then introduced to a title. Not many can carry a title whereby recognised with others for the title beknown.
In the forest; must be a small world, sitting there watching that small part of the world pass by. Like watching nature, seeing up close how another part of the world lives. And yet, it all occurs within this small world of theirs. An escapism as such, finding another way to exist in a world already living in.
Isaiah Ch.58:V.10 " - And if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noonday:"
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