Thursday, 21 November 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (21st November 2024)

Already have eyes on the prize, almost begging for it infact. The irony to call them an old dragon because are protecting that prize from falling into anyone's sticky fingers. 

Clearly know who the friends are, wouldn't allow them to pass so casually. Or is this all a front not to be given away so easily. 

This keen interest they suddenly show from another table. Be prepared to be knocked into the next century. 

Know very well just like anyone, that young boy charm has not grown into a gentleman. All that's happened is they filled out a bit. They look bigger but are still that young boy to have always known. 

The good thing about not being the sharpest tool in the box. Is they are surrounded by those who certainly are. While they compare to have the same fingers and toes, others see a more sincere side to them. 

In the forest; having no idea who will emerge from beyond that dark doorway. Yet, are willing to lay everything down and prepared for their upcoming. Offering to be at their mercy and allow the advantage be taken. Must be very keen to sacrifice so much for just any random moment. 

In the stones; this puzzling cloud that hovers over a small childs mind and yet it is levelled with an even more confused tall adult, as this child grows either parties wonder if managed to make any sense of it all, love makes the most for what it is however still to be clueless.

Jeremiah Ch.31:V.17 " - And there is hope in thine end, saith the LORD, that thy children shall come again to their own border." 

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