Even the darkest backgrounds can be lit up in beauty and attraction. As it is the curious mind that falls deeper into the shadows for guilty pleasures.
Can an open book be left open while to begin another title waiting on the shelf. Not always the pages that become lost but the drawn mind that fades.
Already have that life story in a silver frame by itself upon that table unit. The legacy is now a choice to add purpose to those pieces of memory.
If the light to find in darkness is what to search for then why is that light only a glimmer of hope. Surrounded by this dark atmosphere might be life's purpose for now, then the light takes over.
Those to bicker amongst themselves are not the ones who are throwing all their life's belongings over their shoulder and following their heart. Once they find that other place funny how that bickering goes silent.
In the forest; it requires a vast amount of folk to dwell at close to keep fortifications. Designs they built upon themselves and for their own needs. Too for keeping their ruler within highly regarded establishments. To become part of this folklore like an outsider blending in. Must take knowledge on such beliefs to oblige with such traditions and faith.
Acts Ch.10:V.47 " - Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?"
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