Monday, 17 February 2020

Psychic Philosophy for Today (17th February 2020)

If a key to the lock that conceals its heart, to try and see if which key opens that lock, must get close for the while.

Like a slow rat race but the race is not over even if to finish first. As any rat to lure will find further more to achieve.

The scent to chase is the more tempting attraction, yet what leads to the real purpose is the curious risk to make.

Only in physical form are not part of the vast majority, however in mind like an offering lay before them to take.

Finding the feelings to have is searching in the dark that needs lighting up and can reveal shocking outcomes. If the heart is true than no matter how long it takes others will gradually bring together.

In the forest; some bulls remain and idolised like rulers in rich clothing. Treasures to decorate their appearance like an idol to be placed in the midst of the land. The only bulls to grab by the horns are the ones that trotted off into the sunset. Leaving behind those more vital and grown to decide on fate.

In the stones; only a path that is not straightforward is one taken gradually in steps to lead the way, it is the gaps inbetween that is filled will change the course of direction even if to lead to the same destination, love does things differently as in opposite ways as first they decide what they want and then they take those steps.

Deuteronomy Ch.18:V.15 " - The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken;"

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