Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Psychic Philosophy for Today (26th February 2020)

If to gamble then expect to meet a sly king of snakes, although the while it all seems natural, have just been lured by their hypnotic temptations.

Not just walking in their shoes, as those shoes were made for digging heels in, so expect those heels dug once again regardless for whom wears them.

It's all they know for, like been trained and programmed to behave just as they were instructed to. So if to go switching their mind on then expect them to react towards what is around them.

Are trying to put words in the mouth of a mind that lives inside a glass house. It's not something that will be easily to persuade yet still determined the same.

When looking into the mind and eyes of another to find that certain someone. Will only find what is not being looked for as it is not of ones own vision. Perhaps being amongst others to have a more wider scale to broaden the imagination. Then may come to notice that precise thing to attract someone.

In the forest; where waters are settled the last thing to want is an unforgettable elephant to make a splash. Not only will cause large ripples it will spill over the edge, too. Just when had thought matters were still and calm. Those who like to recall on the past disturb the peace again.

In the stones; people's thoughts can be like a passing atmosphere that hovers over and only the deeply felt words remain when cleared, it takes discipline to make younger minds see but it takes young minds alike to share those visions, love overcomes like heavy raindrops and still has to clear the day to see through the confusion.

St. Matthew Ch.26:V.44 " - And he left them, and went away again, and prayed the third time, saying the same words." 

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