Sunday 7 July 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (7th July 2024)

No matter what miracle or what magic can be conspired. They still put their foot in it. 

Got the vision in mind, know how to play it out with imagination. Just don't know how to put it in words. Well, have even tried speaking them than writing them. 

Interesting to have out of this world obsession. Did it ever occur to think that maybe, 'they' are already here. Watching everyone being fooled in looking. 

All it took is a little guidance, a gentle flame to attract towards a light. And now the doors are wide open, still that same gentle flame burns just as bright as it did before. 

Didn't take much to sooth their soul and calm their forceful determination. All they needed was an interest in something they never knew for. If curiosity doesn't kill the cat then let there be many others. 

In the forest; unfortunately while they appear to be all woman. Might want to consider that perch for one to sit on. Yes, they are a woman, and yes a woman is what is required to mate with. While it seems that is the purpose of a woman. However, that's their prerogative. Just going to have to appear as alone. 

In the stones; once the right perspective is seen then things will seem normal, trying to straighten up what was never bent in the first place is wanting everything from one's own point of view, love is not going to comply to how someone else sees things but from how things are seen from their vision.

Numbers Ch.23:V.19 " - God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?" 

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