Saturday 30 April 2022

Psychic Philosophy for Today (30th April 2022)

Perhaps, this heavy head to carry, where at times feel it weighing the body down, is just telling oneself are starting from scratch again. 

Focus on the guiding light, as it is the same light to give that reflects in their eyes and sees. 

Of course they expect someone to open it. Why else sit there waiting with the key already in that now needs turning. 

Need to ask oneself if those who are pulling the strings are doing intentionally for good. While to be following the head, the body says otherwise. 

When to outgrow the things that were once kept hidden. It becomes apparent for all to see and asunder. Why others whom are once bitten twice shy discuss such matters. For the best of that who should keep it hidden. 

In the forest; what seems impossible is actually just bone idle. Since it is there to accomplish then why will it be impossible. It may look as if a long way to climb, but there is steps put in place to do so. Just have to tell oneself how it can be done and will be done. Otherwise what point was it for putting the possibility in place where to think is impossible. 

In the stones; it's not an edge for them but a position to see how that storm brewing above will effect those below, for some the storm do not cause affect upon them for the chosen path they make and that's what being on a supposedly edge is for, love to seek is like hitting a wall when unable to reach what in hope to find and chosen paths for they may not be so ideal for oneself.

Ezekiel Ch.33:V.7 " - So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me." 

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