Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Psychic Philosophy for Today (16th November 2021)

Clearly over doing it to a point where they might not realise what they were doing in the first place. Little odd to draw attention in a sensual way, then keep drawing attention even when to get it. 

This high horse they believe are on will only come down from it on their terms. No matter how that horse deteriates, it will be their choice and choice alone. 

If attracting a potential mate is like going fishing. Then surely, need to cast some bait on a line to hook and reel them in with. Also to remember there's plenty more fish if someone else gets the catch. 

Making a stand for oneself will know who are friends and foes. Friends will be the ones tightening the nut, and foes will loosen it to sabotage. 

This fat lady is not just singing to say it's over. She is also erecting the flag to say she has conquered it, too. The difference is; when trying to find another place with others. Is being there first, like a flag on the moon, somewhere to follow of their own or someone preventing that ownership. 

In the forest; at the best of times it may require being considered as being the bad guy. What is thought as a snake in the grass, are actually taking cover from intrusion. Since it is they whom come marching upon territory not of their own. So, too right in being that sly, devious, slithering snake for a change. Basically, fighting fire with fire. 

In the stones; turns out it was not a dream after all when suddenly their footprint is clear to see and standing there, don't be led off the edge where those footprints to follow lead towards when the unreachable seems like a dream, love if there from the start will both be making footprints together and feeling to walk on air.

St. John Ch.9:V.27 " - He answered them, I have told you already, and ye did not hear: wherefore would ye hear it again? will ye also be his disciples? 

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