Monday, 11 October 2021

Psychic Philosophy for Today (11th October 2021)

Each with their own passion that burns, the flame can share the same intensity of fire.

The difference in canopy is that between shade or shelter. While some use it to be not seen too bright. Others use it to remain dry from getting wet.

Education may be the boat to share the same in. It is which knowledge to learn that steers the boat.

It can be a beautiful life if that's what draws attraction to be seen existing. What else can bring a reason to no longer lead a sheltered life than the yearning for what the heart craves for.

That bigger fish to fry to be wanting for so long. Some times, need to first catch the smaller fish. As any other will argue with what came first, the chicken or the egg.

In the forest; world's apart when it comes to finding that destination. While to spend a lifetime searching for a guiding light. It can be a tunnel first needing to pass through. That same tunnel can be a bridge for those crossing above. Their destiny is to reach the other side of that bridge. Which happens to be of the same structure for a tunnel. 

In the stones; there'll be a moment where the path that began together will cross eachother from two extremes, while to share the same purpose both had different ideas, although love physically were in the same direction the mind was planning separate motions to set.

Numbers Ch.30:V.4 " - And her father hear her vow, and her bond wherewith she hath bound her soul, and her father shall hold his peace at her: then all her vows shall stand, and every bond wherewith she hath bound her soul shall stand."

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