Thursday 24 May 2018

Psychic Philosophy for Today (24th May 2018)

Filled with colour can only sense of their own shade as while those for the same colour pass through is nothing different than what they already know.

However bright to light up the dark, the light that shines the brightest and warmest shall keep lighting up that dark. Searching for that glow that dimmers down is a forever desire to seek.

If the eyes were the spirit then they are willing by the visions they open up to, yet the flesh is weak for the body to physically grab that temptation.

Like a thorn in a lions paw, it's a shallow grave to be in if to think that was the last nail in the coffin. These trivial matters are petty compared to the exaggerated outcome.

While some casually pass by with their just rewards, others find it triumphant to actually have such a thing. If beggars can't be choosers but they sure understand a result. This is where others can be ungrateful, knowing to get as they so wish, but don't get what they want.

In the forest; while one side seems patiently for things to occur, sitting on a fence deciding whether to jump down. Another side are busy preparing, yet still it will be a need to make use for that alternative choice. Both work separately but both need the same as each other.

In the stones; taking shelter from a storm is not of time but how prepared to be and having the right methods to resolve the predicament, some gatherings of this occurences come in stages and knowing which plain to be on when it arrives, love is for one on closing a door behind but opening it again when matters are too drenched to open for that other.

Nehemiah Ch.4:V.19 " - And I said unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, The work is great and large, and we are separated upon the wall, one far from another."

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