Thursday, 10 May 2018

Psychic Philosophy for Today (10th May 2018)

If things were that simple then there'd be no use for an attractive entrance to draw attention, but instead, need to find a way around to such greeting.

To everyone else, only need to see for first impressions, the outlook for being there and the time to share. What goes much deeper, inside their own private visions, is them to know and, perhaps, others to find out.

When thoughts are shared amongst many, the choice is whether to see for things with a colourful outlook or dwell within the dark shadows of their mind.

Agreements made during communications need be settled prior to the start of journey, between going from A to B is at a point of a job half done. Then becomes at the discretion of those who make the effort of finalising such agreement.

The mind can be a fickle thing when deciding for directions but the chosen path is by pleasures that entice. The only interest someone has to listen for is just how slow or fast wanting to get there. And, that's how others become caught up in a rat race, for being desperate and settle for the nearest best thing.

In the forest; there never is a nice way or nasty way about it, when it comes to the real purpose of such doings. The only difference is on how to approach with such dignity, whether disguised by pleasantries or with an honest attitude. However the fun times may show, the deep intentions always shock the senses no matter how secretive or open to appear.

In the stones; an example why not to let the heart rule the head or may trip over the feet where the feelings are firmly on the ground and see for things immensely, since no smoke without fire and the passionate flame is burning can always blame a smoke screen for the unclear vision, if love can see through the overwhelming smoke that the passion gives out may prevent getting burnt and create the path to walk as by means to go on.

St. Matthew Ch.28:V.11 " - Now when they were going, behold, some of the watch came into the city, and shewed unto the chief priests all the things that were done."

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