Friday 8 August 2014

Psychic Philosophy for Today (8th August 2014)

Such a cheeky monkey, and using their colourful life as a disguise for their intentions. As like a corner to turn can change like the wind and discourage that aim to attract someones heart.

Where communications are a struggle to reach is that need to distant the space between for where to talk. Technically, having to go to the outskirts of the world just to send a message, they're right in front you.

Time will tell for how much longer they can put up with this hanging around like a bad smell, as every last detail has to endure like meat to a grinder. Surprised to manage to keep themselves gagged for so long, being all ears and all.

It does not take a genius to work out how to balance things perfectly, without the long lesson just need to find the right man with the right tools and the job is a gooden.

When it comes to having a short fuse which throws them into this offensive side and knocking people back with their shield. Surely there is another way when they to blow that fuse since having a romantic mind. Clearly, by the looks of that some ones face with written all over they spoke before to think, which puts that two sides of a team together.

In the forest; a feast for a gathering, a celebration to enjoy such appetites, to all sit around a table under candlelight. Joys of such atmospheres, yet there is a sense for devilish play, with a warrior who is prepared to do battle. That no wonder the feeling of a sudden strike with a candle stand like a trident from such a myth of a creature. A poisonous snake that bites its venom to stir such dramatic attacks, placing a theme in hell to the end of the tables meeting. With the beasts they slain for meat with the remains of their carcass skulls laying around. For the use of placing such a head of an animal onto his own to enact a scene for a story to end such a joyous occasion. Things have become darkened over what was a dim lit kind moment for all to endure.

In the stones; first impressions are also seen bigger than the actual fact as this is what gives doubts for a circumstance like seeing rocky grounds before to approach, since time is considered through the phases of the moon these rocky patches need to be clamped down on, as love who can change as quick as a flick of a switch like a ball sent into their court to hit back.

Zechariah Ch.5:V.9 "Then lifted I up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came out two women, and the wind was in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork: and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heaven."

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