Thursday 21 August 2014

Psychic Philosophy for Today (21st August 2014)

There is a long distance before passing that new open door, no wonder it can make a u-turn when only just closed the last door behind you. Take this time in this spacious room to contemplate on those next steps.

If unable to do so with your own barehands then try to use something to make it shown for a keen interest. As they have control of their own direction and can easily change, just need to get this stage act out of the way.

That picture that created a vision is not all as it was first thought as, seeing for real just before to be out there in the outdoors has this shadow of doubt. A dull grey area to consider, which is why for that plan B to scrub up clean with now the facts have shattered the dreams.

Being guided on a heavenly path has that own space to think filled with junk from others baggage. That the mind is now on a fast lane and taken over by their past that the path to be on is now not your own.

A mind like a capsule, switched off at the moment until that someone pulls the lever and suddenly becomes that character to show. Pity, it takes someone elses shouts to make you be heard, even if to put a smile on your face. Then, there is that some one whose journey is faster than the finger to give direction towards, all for travels being use to the cart before the horse. Well they did always like horsing around.

In the forest; how those who take interest in those who travel down road to end up at their place of hiding. Only they wait, and wait, and wait even more, but when no one reaches the end of the road, that journey to carry on is a surreal feeling. Their own interests soon turn to their own personal selfish minds eventually. The purpose for being there is no longer keen for the mind yet their eyes wish to remain as there hiding place. Even still, the end of the road first has to pass an eerie site, where the roots tred and the vines over-hang. Swampy damp grounds where mist slowly dirfts from the shallow moist land that to pass over before continue further. A journey that lands anyone in the same place as those who take notice for those who approach.

In the stones; you are as a bouncing ball on a string tied only wish to follow direction of those who have been before and done the same, not all directions are smooth as a circle but as sharp as the corner to turn that perhaps those of before can give some extra length, love who is that carriage to wait only are on a journey of their own as to fire the arrow must first pluck the strings.

St. Matthew Ch.23:V.38-39 " - Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.
 - For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord."

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