Deeply thinking for that phone to ring only to your annoyance when it do. Wrong time perhaps?
A painting that beams across at you showing those finer details realise to certainly be one for the home.
You can tell by their face they have something to say with their knitting while their hands are in the basket. What will everyone at church say?
Hitting the nail on the head slightly quakes the ground around but then desperate measures for what is coming across.
It's whats inbetween your eyes they are focusing on only to echo through your ear, to be in one and out the other. Though that spiteful tongue is doing most of the job that has them turning away. Which concludes for whom has been according to someone elses calculations.
In the forest; mass cotton fields like a huge group of sheep gathered all together. Cotton production is what brings the work home and for those working in the fields. A field that is set far away on itself, with vacant land inbetween and unsteady grounds to just see the town and their crop fields in the distance. Seems a reason for new clothes and that opportunity for the ponds deep to wear a new hat.
In the stones; bright corners are what keeping you at lengths that to go straight up has you almost on the edge, someone who takes a ride upon a natural path where to cut corners causes someone of past doings something to moan about, love who helps to give this lift also helps with the tit for tat when playing at their own game.
Corinthians Ch.1:V.8 "Who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ."