Sunday, 26 February 2012

Psychic Philosophy for Today (26th February 2012)

A snippet out of a book to save for later when the heat is on and in need to escape away somewhere.

A past, one you are familiar by becomes now the past as the usual signs are stored away, where to catch up on an artistic view.

Are you ready to cut the ribbon and let them in on your expenses and riches as that line is hot?

On a date, one that only you have the combination to the lock but are you sure you are not just loading a loose cannon.

Self-applauding you can hear, or proclaimed is one word, makes you wonder who they are. Knowing it to be too early to reap what you sow but atleast someone appreciates you. As someone else just finds this for being a dog out of hell to bite.

In the forest; not all plain sailing as the entrance to reach is highly protected, not just for the vast ongoing fields to harvest. As further afield the bull to grab by its horns is looking on the otherside of the fence but is not willing to allow the first thing that comes washed ashore.

In the stones; sit back and relax and enjoy the weather while you can as even during the night you be kicking back the sheets, only looking back over the past there is much growing up to do that can cause any dreary outlook, love who wishes you to look at the furthest past that you are unable to see right now makes it more playful to battle this under-the-weather outcome.

St. Luke Ch.12:V.50 "But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished!"