To get the ball rolling you really must speak whats on your mind considering it is something you wish to remember.
As time waits for them to make their shot in play they are not to see for dust before doing so.
Appearances expected to be made are dragged out further than they truly need to be.
It's all fun at the fair with why you believe to be inbetween a love heart, while they are thrown out with the trash so too is the trash brought in. But being high as a kite to even notice and too busy talking for others, there is someone with a burning passionate mind that is willing to settle.
In the forest; an ancient relic for a strange creature appears and attracts attention towards the fading mist that still is about within the dark, shadows that play tricks with the mind. As preparations are being made at the congregation for an evening of celebrations, their concerns are ignored for this creature that seems to come from a far place and wanting them to take note for its wishes as to lure.
In the stones; choice of which direction to take with slight struggle to get things moving but there is someone who is willing to put a foot forward, although double the effort seems to let the bee out of the bonnet, while love who makes those corners achievable but a bit of an unbalance for the near future.
Jeremiah Ch.2:V.17 "Hast thou not procured this unto thyself, in that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God, when he led thee by the way?"