If magic is the answer than someone wise needs to make a stand to show not to be fallen into the wrong hands.
Foundations made sturdy but be prepared to sometimes cross under pathes already taken.
Look deeper into their eyes and you may find something bright and mysterious.
A mind that comes back and forth only one that is not of your own true thoughts. While others bear the troubled waters they carry on their shoulders, someone is prepared to knock the ball into your court and shows such a troubled mind they have of their own.
In the forest; a wounded hound with a troubled paw takes comfort on soft ground, swans with their young swim across the river that no longer has mist, the mysterious formed man appears with new tricks by training a baby elephant. A sign of things to be wise and not forgotten, as the battle for peace is ended. Mean while, in the ponds deep appears similiar features for the mysterious man as if it is him walking the earth of the forest again. But how can the same person be in two places at once, as those faces that look upon as if to believe it was him.
In the stones; a corner of the globe has your world unsettled and unstable, trying to make corners into bends gives other means to make this part of your world sturdy again, while those corners that spoke short words has love being in a world all square.
Ezekiel Ch.46:V.24 "Then said he unto me, These are the places of them that boil, where the ministers of the house shall boil the sacrifice of the people."