Saturday 14 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (14th September 2024)

If the myth truly existed, doubt that myth will be hiding from plain sight. It'll be raking in the vast interest to gain, instead. 

Of course they haven't unpacked, they don't feel comfortable to settle. It's not the home or furniture in it. Yet, the people they have to get to know determines whether they can settle in or not. 

It doesn't always require a uniform for the helping hand in need of assistance. Just, the thought of explaining to someone of being rescued by a giant bunny rabbit. 

That curtain call was never intended, in fact can't even remember the last time to have made one. It's a sad state of affairs for a story left untold and unfinished. 

Whatever long lasting plans to see down a long corridor to achieve. Forget it. Just been slapped in the face with the biggest temptation cannot say no to. The only thing with temptations, is the need to explain to all others why those thought out plans have now changed. 

In the forest; if such a thing as having lips too hot. Then it's not what to say but towards whom to say it to. This fear on not knowing who those lips are to touch. Is the reason to their need to keep that tongue from wagging. Sometimes, the truth cannot be handled by those who know the truth. 

In the stones; already know the answer or atleast have made up that mind to know already, while to see how things begin that mind obviously didn't see beyond the minds reach, love is willing to go where the mind hasn't thought out how things are to turn out.

Malachi Ch.4:V.3 " - And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts." 

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