Monday 30 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (30th September 2024)

Their quicker than speed to get there must be like a shooting star passing by. 

Life as being a stage is only by what goes on behind the curtain. The real performance and dark secrets is what goes on backstage. 

They say can't keep a good man down, and this funny old clown has come back from the dead. 

When preaching to the choir becomes the choir being the organ grinder. Guess who's the monkey? 

Definitely trying to keep the world outside from coming in through the door. Who said anything about using the front door. They come with many tales to soon become just another cog to others on a wheel. 

In the forest; if to think it's a new quiet start in a new peaceful place. Then prepare for that big pretty bow with bells on that ties the wrapping together. What seems as a fresh new chapter like a present to give oneself. It'll make a lot of noise upon opening. It's going to cause a big scene. 

In the stones; can only take the steps forward with those to physically see or the path is imaginary, belief in a future for a path also is required of the mind, love will determine just how much the heart wants it and for how long to seek it out.

St. Matthew Ch.4:V.16 " - The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up." 

Sunday 29 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (29th September 2024)

Might want to try something bigger than breadcrumbs, as are dealing with something bigger to lure. 

Don't get too excited for this red carpet they rolled out. They've mentally measured in small doses just how much they can persevere. 

If foolish will be fooled by their big busty upfront attitude. While they seem all puffed up and chested. Look into their eyes and will see those snake eyes. 

Ironically, what should be really at a lost, are celebrating it as a win like a trophy to gain. There is some sort of trophy not a champion. The bar was set some time ago. 

No point making a face like that, knowing if it's not nailed down. A sudden rush of interest by the masses, who will it be nailed down for. Built it and now they come, it is for others to offer anyway. 

In the forest; it's not a hole to find oneself in, yet all those unwanted matters will find itself down there. Only had never thought it through, on whether that hole will be deep enough. As it fills more and more can only watch with hope it doesn't retract. Maybe if it was oneself it'll been reassured, can only wait and see. 

In the stones; certainly a step ahead if to leave everyone to read it in the papers the next day, it's a big following to keep interested and with this something to give to catchup on can become a commitment, love is on another plane where do not need to catchup as they live and love for the moment.

Psalms Ch.89:V.50 " - Remember, Lord, the reproach of thy servants; how I do bear in my bosom the reproach of all the mighty people;" 

Saturday 28 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (28th September 2024)

After making that long stretch across, reaching the long arm, and still can't do it. Still unable to press their buttons. 

They may be in that head of yours. Luring, tempting, encouraging, they cannot make you move forward as they planned. Might feel like things are, just take a look to the person are next to, still there in the same place. 

If a guided lit up path won't lead the way, then covered in darkness it shall be. Hopefully will encourage to find a way. 

So invincible can literally cause blood to appear from a stone. That untouchable way about them it'll drive anyone attempting to near to frustration

Know exactly what they're like once to get an idea in their head. Doesn't even have to be their own idea, there they go trying to work it out from theory to method. As long as to have that trust in others then they will go along with what method to come up with. 

In the forest; certainly pulling everything out of that hat. Making everything possible to happen. Eventually that hat will be what seals that bridge in the middle. Literally, placed in the centre where to meet and holds it in place. 

In the stones; this commitment to make in a relationship is a volcano waiting to erupt, especially where another thought they were in a chance and it should be them, love can't lie but it can make go blind for not seeing the truth however matters have established.

Numbers Ch.26:V.53 " - Unto these the land shall be divided for an inheritance according to the number of names." 

Friday 27 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (27th September 2024)

Really doesn't come as a surprise to make an even more of a dick of oneself. Who'd thought the disguise to hide that dick look actually enhanced it further. 

Those little kind gestures are making a bigger impact than expected. Shockingly impacted on the brain, can't imagine how they'll react to something bigger. 

This very deep hole to be on the edge to, perhaps if had thought on it about bursting their bubble that hole would never have appeared. What else was their bubble concealing? 

Perhaps a frilly trim and a pretty bow added to that wicked letter about to send. Since are feeling that gift to believe have power over them. 

Didn't notice for such intervention they created. Surely it was obvious the moment had turned that corner. Those rich pickings were actually just to lure towards temptations. Nevermind, the time it took to come to their senses, realise their intentions, that ship sailed and left others disappointed. 

In the forest; like a fish out of fresh water who has a lot to scream about. All that keeps spewing out are those chess pieces to make moves on. Ironic, being in an unusual place yet have plenty to go ordering about. Someone hasn't done their homework. 

In the stones; the same supporting foundations that kickstarted that high flying career are the same source of being unstable, if can turn that cloud into a thunder then the tightrope might balance enough to steady the sides, love tries to do more than others can and needs to calm their horses to equal results.

St. Matthew Ch.22:V.14 " - For many are called, but few are chosen." 

Thursday 26 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (26th September 2024)

Not just follow the direction of the wind, use it of all it's possibilities. Ride that wind like a bird flying in the air. 

If to take the eye off the ball will run yourself down into knots. Keep an eye on what matters most. 

Unfortunately, for the infatuation to be having, it is for that vicars and tarts scenario. 

Concentrate on one thing at a time, if to go making a big song and dance about it, choose the right moment. 

Doesn't have to be a puzzle to solve. Could proceed as is, however are a sucker for working complicated things out. Just be certain for sure are about to get it right. Because many others are not only relying on it but backing it up all the way. 

In the forest; it is hard for them to refuse only are asking them of a difficult decision. Wanting to be taken under their wing when are nurturing their own young. How can they possibly do so yet knowing they won't say no. In a sense, it's taking advantage of their kind nature during a pressured moment. 

In the stones; those stop gaps that cause a long hard think to pause on always appears when ideas are strong, while some seemingly are passing by best to let them as they're not on the same path in choices, love may well be encouraging where honestly it's all those ideas that pushes to drive forward.

Psalms Ch.71:V.21 " - Thou shalt increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side."

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (25th September 2024)

It's blatantly obvious how much they're enjoying all this attention. Like having that hair washed by the faeries themselves using magical flowers and nectar. And it sure gets heads turning. 

Not always the biggest who rules the roost. There are other animals on the farm that can do just as well. However, the required needs that are fulfilled more, always tends to rely towards that rooster. Certainly know where the eggs are at. 

Even now, even during one of the most grown up decisions in life to ever make, are smothering them like a baby. A sheep may be wrapped in wool all it's life, there is a point it becomes mutton. 

A road once laid to no longer give the smooth straight path intended. Instead to repair where matters went wrong, decide to lay another on top hoping it'll cover the previous mistakes. Cracks will eventually show. 

Put a foot in it?! That foot is being put on display like a monument. A giant statue has been made of this 'foot'. Just grin and bear it. Any luck, the wings of angels that are aware of this heavenly idol. Will place a distraction so all others will slowly lose interest. 

In the forest; wouldn't try to lay in a bed that was unfitting for the size. Nor shall with the ground for a flower bed be the same. As to say, will reap what to sow. So by all means, prepare that bed to the best of one's expected standards. Before laying in it otherwise it'll be too late when to make it again. Hence, made your bed now lay in it. 

In the stones; of course it was unexpected that's what surprises are, just don't also expect now they're here to go with the plans that were thought out, love being a spontaneous thing has changed any plans as now needing to mutually share mind and heart.

St. Luke Ch.22:V.21 " - But, behold, the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table." 

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (24th September 2024)

Water is soft gentle and smooth, for it to shape the land means it is sharp coarse and lethal. 

Most paths are laid before them as to walk upon. This one, they roll the path up as they go along like rolling a carpet. 

Never notice how joyful people are when are leaving. Even spending all that time, and after it all, are more pleased when going. More so than as when to arrive. And never noticed. 

There is a point and time where respectfully the cameras do look away. When they're telling for one story, would not want them to start confusing the story with what is private. 

It'll be unfair to say they are what they eat. When they already resembled in some way, that could be, they are what they soon became to be. While others cross that bridge now, for what was considered water under is only their claws into. 

In the forest; there is a heart but one that is in the process of being formed. Many might think being mended, that's just where the final piece is needed in place. Like a part missing that completes the whole shape. Be sure to realise the difference between a true heartfelt creation and one that is being mended. A mended heart is one that was broken, a shaping together heart is an untouched curious and sensual emotion. 

In the stones; not just having a ball are dancing on air for high to be, just a shame the rapid downward slope afterwards to feel, love is a pick-me-up however it's not as quite as high again as when swirling around that floor.

St. Matthew Ch.21:V.41 " - They say unto him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out his vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their seasons." 

Monday 23 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (23rd September 2024)

That's the wonder to give, what is beyond the centre of all the object to behold. 

Unless there is a purpose to personally make use for such things. Then leave them as they are, for those who do make use of such books, that know where they are all placed. 

Is it a screw loose, or just a screw tempting to be removed. The real question is, what is its actual purpose. 

Here's the dilemma, are about to embark on a journey in writing. Only to fulfill those details must take the journey full heartedly. 

If only can bend time, then yes, time can be bended to ones own will. It's why the hands create so many angles. Do time be made for an own personal use or for the sake of others? 

In the forest; the love for the open land can soon be changed. As to chip away at the heart in hope of shaping it accordingly to how to prefer. So too land is molded and conformed to try to please all. Not all are pleased as to how individually wish. 

In the stones; dreams are like visions taken lying down they are imaginative ideas that never be seen, even if some are apparently living the dream to whom actually sees it, love is why the heart does not rule the head as dreams are in the mind yet the heart burns with a flaming desire.

Zechariah Ch.6:V.12 " - And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the LORD:" 

Sunday 22 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (22nd September 2024)

Beyond those doors is where to find the answers sought after. That is what is being taught, to seek elsewhere for the things in life we desire. 

Taking matters too personal if to start arguing beyond their uniform. For what they appear as is for business only to feel offended of what will be pleasure. 

No, not imagining it. For a brief moment, did actually see for that once upon of a happy time. Like it reappeared again around the corner. 

Might be trying a little too hard to impress them. All this preplanning and luring to make it happen at the right time and right place. But for who? 

If it is a storm in a teacup, as they say it is, it's a pretty big storm for the size of teacup. To truly be water under a bridge, considering the amount of kids they have, they refer to a huge teacup than most others imagine. 

In the forest; when to believe in things for a pie-in-the-sky, once that pie is eaten all that is left is the pie case. And then the process begins again of reproducing even more pie to convince. 
All the while, sitting back and watching, the truth of what is real and what is believed. 
Cannot deny that truth when it is seen to be real above all else. 

In the stones; a hill do not divide land it is merely a peak of all around for all and not to indicate who belongs on which side, think of it as like a bridge to meet in the middle up above all the commotion below, love is not the type to go making a mountain out of a molehill so be thankful for the hill to have.

Ecclesiastes Ch.4:V.10 " - For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up." 

Saturday 21 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (21st September 2024)

Business deal works both ways, while to seem are just patiently sitting there. Actually do have something they want and vice versa. 

There's always some part of a corner lit up. How else to know there is a corner to turn. 

Seeing for those red and blue colours there are other ways to see them colours flash before the white of the eyes. 

Know for exactly who, it'll just be more embarrassing if they have to make an effort to make it obvious. 

That's a lot of stitchwork and will need a big needle to sew the thread. As they say, big job big tools. If wanting to really make them stand out, then find a way to know what others will be wearing. 

In the forest; the world is that stage. Brave those first few steps and walk out upon it. Amongst the vast eyes and hearing the many voices. The one main importance is being present, being there, taking part. 

In the stones; ever thought of going along with the depths of things for now instead of trying to climb back out, being in this deep might just help to avoid the chaos above that got us here in the first place, love will forever be searching and soon let it be known when it's safe to emerge.

St. Luke Ch.11:V.23 " - He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth." 

Friday 20 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (20th September 2024)

Carrying a heavy burden, like a bird in a cage, if to let that bird out then the burden is lightened. 

Convinced they had left a secret hidden message in their notes. Without any given clue for proof in that theory. What if their notes were just deliberate scribbled nonsense. 

Never given a chance to follow their own natural instincts. Instead, gave a means to believe in their important needs can be found by other means. Leaving their own capable skills unknown. 

Might want to be grateful they are slow as a snail. So can go over every detail, unless expected them to agree with every word and do what is intended. Which is to become the exact thing wanted them to, and won't take no for an answer. 

Try stretching out to reach like hands grabbing what is before them. Like a clock, if to concentrate on the central part then time doesn't move. Reach out with hands and they make every minute count. Sometimes that time is in hindsight and seen where others have already been. So make it count with what is now. 

In the forest; that list as long as their arm. Expect it laid like a path to commence to go down in order. As it unravels like a reel of ribbon. Will walk upon it individually as it is written. Gradually laid out and finally smoothed over. Unless prefer to be tangled in it's mess and not as a pretty bow neither. 

In the stones; perhaps have been sitting up high on that perch for too long to deny being amongst those seen below, to make matters better with oneself are willing to lift up one of those below to see what it is like to be up high, love will always remember where they come from so no matter the rags to riches they'll always come home.

Zechariah Ch.14:V.11 " - And men shall dwell in it, and there shall be no more utter destruction; but Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited." 

Thursday 19 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (19th September 2024)

Suddenly, that long road doesn't seem so long. Who'd thought a distraction of romance will shorten that distant horizon. 

One man's trash is another man's treasure, so they say. That is, if to be talking of treasure and not someone's ex. 

There's certain ways to catching that something. Not going to hook a fish with a crook. 

Grabbing the iron while it's hot, just be careful where exactly to grab it. Don't want to go burning those fingers. 

Only those who teach can keep the interests going with those who learn. Otherwise what to be educated on stays with them as per the moment. This is how leaders round up many others, by offering them all what has failed to find. 

In the forest; for them needing to spell it out, only how long will it take to do so. While are still on the first letter, to whom are spelling it out to, they're already considering the next. Think they got it, a long time ago in fact, just they forgot to give a subtle hint. And now, here we are about to be told what is already known. 

In the stones; sometimes those first few steps cannot be done alone and they're right behind to support encouragement, only one thing needing to avoid is that they end up walking those steps ahead instead, love is an anchor when wanting to settle after travelling across rough seas and now are still.

Ecclesiastes Ch.2:V.17 " - Therefore I hated life; because the work that is wrought under the sun is grievous unto me: for all is vanity and vexation of spirit." 

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (18th September 2024)

If are going to allow them to tell the story, then expect of them to turn the pages and decide on new chapters. 

It may have been said 'with a pinch of salt', however. That particular salt to them is the salt of the earth. So expect a bigger deal being made about it. 

Within the flames are dried teardrops that shape the form of a broken heart. Too many teardrops can put those flames out if feelings are not resolved. 

Centre of attention is one way for putting it. Then, they are the host of the party. Of course they make an impression to attract everyone's attention. 

In the grasp of their hands they hold the thoughts and mind of another. Even when a ship comes sailing in, it's for some other in a sense. Nothing seems to feel as their own. 

In the forest; ironic, how someone with so much land wants to grow crops. Yet, have no intentions on allowing anyone to come near. Then what for? A shepherd can not lead his sheep without sheep. Still wants to be a shepherd, for some strange reason. 

In the stones; taking a leap without any thought out conclusion on how far or high that leap needs to be, since many have made it look easy there's no harm in attempting to ride those waves, love may feel to be in the centre of a tug-o-war with being pulled one way to another.

2 Chronicles Ch.22:V.12 " - And he was with them hid in the house of God six years: and Athaliah reigned over the land." 

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (17th September 2024)

Already knee deep in shit, walking through sludge, with only the bright colourful skies ahead. Ask yourself, is this going to get any better further along. 

There was no need to break the ice with this one, even though, shocking to realise how it takes alsorts. Imagine, finding out a junkie friend is the local vicar. 

If to settle for the normal ways in life than go on some power trip. Then there is no 'and all that jazz', it's just plain and simple without all the chaotic distractions. That's the normal. 

Already did say boo to a goose, why to think the need of tightening a screw loose. That brain must be all over the place if can't realise and put two and two together.

While being tempted ontowards their luring sexual magnetism. What to think is going on from the latter point of view. Clearly must have been giving off some sort of flirtatious signs. Why else are they behaving radicaled. Still, when things start moving very fast, be sure to have some control over other options and all ends well. 

In the forest; it's not about keeping anyone in, it's about preventing them from getting back out. Having already been free as the open land. Finding oneself now contained within their realm. Of course they'd prefer if stayed, so do everything they can in their power to keep someone there. The only way to do that is by stopping them getting out without making them feel are trapped to stay in. 

In the stones; peoples thoughts can be as crashing as the waves and the real decision if to go diving in, or can sail away upon them but never settling just passing words, love however can be drowning with emotions and overwhelming comfort that to come up for air is only when.

St. Luke Ch.7:V.29 " - And all the people that heard him, and the publicans, justified God, being baptized with the baptism of John." 

Monday 16 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (16th September 2024)

A walk on a beach to find seashells, is the same sense as finding faeries in the garden. Magical beings leaving their presence from a magical kingdom they came from. 

All it takes is a friend to become and can work together for either environments. Make them see the troubles being caused and if they really care will make what is right for everyone. 

Trying to use the cover of darkness, only are brighter in the dark. Perhaps the cover of day might hide better. 

Nothing suddenly appears out of nowhere. They were just lurking from a distance, until to become near. 

Seeking for someone who balances a book upon their head. Be sure they have atleast opened that book at some point. Or what knowledge do they possess when to be amongst others within a room. If all they do is model that title than actually progressed thoughts from. 

In the forest; it's a small world when it comes down to it. The bare naked truth of it all, seeing from a higher than thou above vision, they don't see the naked truth. It's just distant horizons and twinkling lights. A flat surface of long roads, and winding bends for corners to turn. Who even considers the bare arse naked cheek of the truth. 

In the stones; fruits ripe for picking are intended to be shared, it's among how many for whether keen to pick or not, love is no use if the seeds to those fruit are not sown together.

Jeremiah Ch.26:V.17 " - Then rose up certain of the elders of the land, and spake to all the assembly of the people, saying," 

Sunday 15 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (15th September 2024)

Turning something into being fun when it seems such a bore. Can be achieved by even the slightest change of interest. Make it unexpected from the usual. 

The tide is calm, waters still, the edge of reasons won't come flooding in suddenly. Can take time to dip in the toes to test waters first. 

Not all wild things go hunting, some stay dormant and wait for their prey to come to them. It's a difference of patience, and understanding the surroundings. Knowing where fruits are ripe and where is rotten. 

If making a stand to speak out to the masses, and only one person from the back takes heed in those words. Then knowing, all those who are before him, so too, heard those words. 

They don't judge a book by it's cover, what they do, instead express in their own words which leaves for many more to judge in itself. This leaves many other questions and yet, still, to fondly look up at that whom expresses their words. 

In the forest; what a mess. A mess created by one's own doing. Scattered all around, and over the floor, to take it lying down. Hopefully, when the time feels right to gather up all that mess. Will find the right answer to been searching for. There to see suddenly, been there all along, just couldn't see it at first. 

In the stones; it may take the thoughts of an opposing mind to see sense, to question the possibility of 'what if' to allow options in choices, love will see the right answers to seek through all the chaos around.

St. Luke Ch.22:V.56 " - But a certain maid beheld him as he sat by the fire, and earnestly looked upon him, and said, This man was also with him." 

Saturday 14 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (14th September 2024)

If the myth truly existed, doubt that myth will be hiding from plain sight. It'll be raking in the vast interest to gain, instead. 

Of course they haven't unpacked, they don't feel comfortable to settle. It's not the home or furniture in it. Yet, the people they have to get to know determines whether they can settle in or not. 

It doesn't always require a uniform for the helping hand in need of assistance. Just, the thought of explaining to someone of being rescued by a giant bunny rabbit. 

That curtain call was never intended, in fact can't even remember the last time to have made one. It's a sad state of affairs for a story left untold and unfinished. 

Whatever long lasting plans to see down a long corridor to achieve. Forget it. Just been slapped in the face with the biggest temptation cannot say no to. The only thing with temptations, is the need to explain to all others why those thought out plans have now changed. 

In the forest; if such a thing as having lips too hot. Then it's not what to say but towards whom to say it to. This fear on not knowing who those lips are to touch. Is the reason to their need to keep that tongue from wagging. Sometimes, the truth cannot be handled by those who know the truth. 

In the stones; already know the answer or atleast have made up that mind to know already, while to see how things begin that mind obviously didn't see beyond the minds reach, love is willing to go where the mind hasn't thought out how things are to turn out.

Malachi Ch.4:V.3 " - And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts." 

Friday 13 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (13th September 2024)

They're already being a battleaxe, why to think are wanting them of service. That charming charisma they have may just be what everyone needs. 

Give it time, naturally, it'll sink in eventually. Not everything can be done for them. There are a few times they will have to do it themselves. 

Already willing to take the whole distance, least meet them some of the way. Like the arranged pick up point that is intended for them to pick up from. 

Going to take more than a clown suit to convince them are trying to make anyone laugh. Especially dealing with a black cat crossing the path. 

It's just a casual moment of relaxing, bit of a catch-up, with refreshments. What's with being the space cadet all of a sudden? 
Perhaps just a schoolboy error and none of the others in class will notice. 

In the forest; no, Christmas has not come early. Just a little bearded man who comes baring gifts. Rather important too, for the demanding instructions they give. Everything needing to be perfectly placed. Correctly timed and located right. So the moment they walk in all is revealed. 

In the stones; there are some things the eyes of children need not to see, whether they are watching or not treat the situation as if they were, love knows when it is the right time and right place.

Joel Ch.3:V.15 " - The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining." 

Thursday 12 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (12th September 2024)

Give them time, they have their entire life ahead of them. There'll be a point where suddenly they will find that vast keen wish to grab for. 

There is knowledge everywhere, the choice is whether to believe it. Some knowledge lands in the lap, other knowledge has to be sought after for having some clue, and then there's the knowledge never to be found. 

Think part of making it fun is wanting it to be fun. Showing how much to be enjoying something makes it even more worthy. 

Already know what to expect it's the main reason for being there. Nothing different will become of it, and that's what encourages them further. For wanting exactly what they know can give. 

Even that big hovering cloud is trying to say something. If it's got that bad then surely will listen to the one thing that knows it for sure. Trust in those feelings that even others are picking up on. 

In the forest; for a short brief moment of interest. It gave the strength for them to exist. As soon as it came and went again. They were back to their usual lately self. Something gave them some oomph in life. Not knowing what, something passed by and touched them to feel full of joy. 

In the stones; it's an awkward situation of being dictated to but are also in control for how that dictation is directed, which means are driving them while under their instructions basically to put it are giving them what they want, love understands this power over them and uses it to an advantage.

Daniel Ch.7:V.17 " - These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth." 

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (11th September 2024)

Know exactly where to have left them. And they're not hung up neither, just waiting to be picked up again. There will always be a reason to put on those boxing gloves. 

It's not feeling the pinch when already have it in the grasp of the hand. The pinch is keeping hold of it, knowing to soon let go of it. 

If someone was to ask "what do it mean to give anyone flowers?", will the answer be the same in all situations. Some people have different meanings to others, be sure to be using the right reason. 

They're such an old dinosaur they really do not want to make a song and dance about it. However, it's just how that path is leading towards, whether they like it or not. 

Is it even a trophy worthy of the achievements if no one else attempts to step up to the expectations. A title that remains dormant for many years and only one ever managed it. Must seem pointless after all these years, and still many others continue to praise that mighty win. 

In the forest; no one ever says just how far down a pipeline something is. Whether they reached the point of interest for something. The things wanting to wait for will arrive at when and where. Unless to specifically know what it is to be looking out for. 

In the stones; those who follow behind will always believe the ones up ahead know exactly where to be heading, alas they are as clued up as anyone who are about to shockingly find out, love soon turns that sting in it's tail into something comfortable when to realise what all the fuss is about.

Psalms Ch.77:V.5 " - I have considered the days of old, the years of ancient times."

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (10th September 2024)

Sailing upon a surface of water that is black. An ocean so wide and deep, with only the sound of a harp to guide across that blackened distance. 

Well, lucky for some, they never get to hear what that little birdy has to say. On the basis, that birdy hasn't the heart to tell them. Or in this case, they cared too much to let this be known. 

Maybe it is the slight amount of books that has them doubting. Being half of what they expected, where to see the fun they can be having. What use is these books? 

Certainly gone all hammer and tongs for the little results. Had it been too much too soon, or the final results were just never to be seen. 

Clearly for what plans to have are prioritised wrongly. Keen interests will always take priority over tempting offers. So stop teasing with temptations when no matter in what order they are in. 
Until those interests are made to be not so keen, then, and only then, might they feel to have other and better things to do. 

In the forest; those watchful eyes peering over in the midst of society. They'll never go away, so get use to it. As those eyes are not of a person, but more of a system. An organised notion in life, making sure everyone and thing all work together accordingly. They always, always, notice when something steps out of line. Disturbs and disrupts the rest of society. 

In the stones; they're not following behind yet by their side with every step of a pace to make, even with decisions to make they're like having two heads to be joined at the hips, love is not something to stay forever available for anyone's sake but their own.

St. Matthew Ch.16:V.27 " - For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works." 

Monday 9 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (9th September 2024)

If swiping a paintbrush across the skies to give a fresh lick of paint in making a clean slate. Then sobeit. Only we know that's impossible to actually achieve, however. 

Can anyone blame them for being in fear. Trying to make them give their teeth into the hands of another. Might be a little poking around, brushing, etc. It's their mouth. 

Seeing for things to be in layers, like an onion. It first starts as a small seed, sown, and gradually grown. So however many layers to consider, they're only like that for how they developed. 

Of course they never forget, being united again proves just that. Particularly with what made them sad to part. They'll definitely know who uplifts their senses. 

Their mind thinks in every way being creative. They could write a song on the emotions now stirred. Play out an imaginary scene for the story to share. If this is how they communicate, then speak their language. When it comes to revealing the honest truth before others. Be sure not to appear too overwhelming of enactment. Even a peacock doesn't always showoff their feathers. 

In the forest; no matter how many times that castle turns to ruins. Are still standing tall and towering over any stone wall can appear to be. The real castle is its ruler and their existence. The stone walls are just an object to desire. 

In the stones; trying to be direct only they are more concerned how others feel, which begs to differ there will be a day of reckoning when wishing just the two, love is a distant journey both are upon where the sought after emotions seem far away.

St. Luke Ch.13:V.6 " - He spake also this parable; A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none." 

Sunday 8 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (8th September 2024)

Sheltered from the storm, is it sheltered from those sly ways of creeping in. Work out first what the need of shelter is for. 

Made them look ridiculous. Clearly showed they have no effect over anyone. This making them reconsider their cause. 

Still for that same snotty nosed kid. Some things never change. The only development is the gap between knowing them. There's many years to have missed out on. But, still that snotty nosed kid to always known them as. 

It is their mind are only interested in. What makes them tick and how they think. What does it matter for how they get there. They got there, didn't they. 

Well of course it will be having to pass through first. Since are coming for a baby looked upon like an angel than a defenseless being. Best thing to teach them is the reasons of why anyone will seek to do harm. On the perspective of being sins of the father. Therefore understand it is by the hands of others than their own. 

In the forest; bridges built on unstable foundations. Foundations on ground that continues to break apart. While the bridge remains intact, the expanding gap in the ground requires even more bridging across. Some bridges will never be fully finalised. Have to keep building and building for making risks. 

In the stones; consider a moment through the eyes of babes whom believe to have everyone running around doing everything for them, this same demanding behaviour continues on into later grown up years but will only have oneself to blame, love for the moment cannot understand this demand however it's not too late to teach them some basics in life.

Zechariah Ch.13:V.5 " - But he shall say, I am no prophet, I am an husbandman; for man taught me to keep cattle from my youth." 

Saturday 7 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (7th September 2024)

Eye catching indeed, however of all the peoples attraction it can get. How will it know it gets the right attention. 

Of all the things an estate can have, a larger size home than most, and it is the size of a garden shed that interests someone. 

Don't take it personally or what was it expected of them. The obstacle before them not only was a distance but the rough path also. 

Try seeing it from their point of view, literally. While to consider them as a monster, they feel are being punished for having just a single eye in the centre of their forehead, living like a cyclops, having everyone scared. 

Perhaps that animal of the wild knows something. Something that has it feeling angry towards all humans. That joyous feast every other enjoyed, didn't know how peering eyes from out in the wild was watching every moment. 

In the forest; just the usual frantic damsel in distress. In need of something to help settle the nerves. Typically, the cause of that nervous wreck is calm and collective. A cat stuck up a tree, basically. Well, according to frantic fanny it is, although it's enough to make anyone wonder. Is the cat really stuck up there. 

In the stones; walking on the shoulders of giants hopefully allows a choice of direction if theirs aren't ideal, not as if can do it alone so something mutual to agree on atleast, love may not seem obvious at first it is thought upon just needing something more to encourage it.

Isaiah Ch.11:V.5 " - And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins." 

Friday 6 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (6th September 2024)

The choices to make are only decided upon by the comfort of one's own satisfied mind. Imagine being peering eyes up above and have to choose when to parachute down. Obviously going to decide when and where the ideal landing is. 

If to go scratching that head anymore for answers might find those claws starting to dig into the brain. Take a moment to refresh those thoughts, before running out of space to work out the correct order for answers. 

With the very first spelling, think they got it. It doesn't take much of a genius to understand precisely what they're trying to explain. Besides, isn't this on everyone's mind and might be fun. 

Unfortunately, where a man's home is his castle. Reputations also follow, and where peaceful doves will not even dare to nestle nor perch, it says a lot. 

Might want to look below the surface, much deeper below the surface. Not just to look within the walls when taking in by the impressive first glance. Literally, beneath where to stand. To every heavenly state has the pits of hell. Don't forget where tables can turn. And the burning flames of hell can rise above. Leaving all others to stand under where the fires started. 

In the forest; a river wide that was hidden by overgrowth. Hasn't become any wider for clearing back that overgrowth. It is still the same wide river. Just never noticed it before, and now anyone can see. Be grateful for the work that has been done. No point wallowing on what has always been there and expected there to be more. 

In the stones; radiant this mother and daughter look to have it's symbolic for anyone to see, touching for many as they'll never be looked upon as such that it is unique the least to say, love will be strange if everyone went around being and doing the exact same thing.

2 Kings Ch.23:V.14 " - And he brake in pieces the images, and cut down the groves, and filled their places with the bones of men." 

Thursday 5 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (5th September 2024)

Maybe if to remember to take those pants off from that head and wore them normally. 

It's a bit late to start wondering if are on the same page. It's not them who are behind, their chapter started anew long ago. 

Ever thought that maybe that card they play, although diamonds, has turned to a black diamond. Least not a black heart. 

If to offer a slice then of course they'll take a bite. Just no one said where to bite from. 

Take that mind away from the ticking passing clock for a moment. Now then, is time still passing by for what needs doing? Only feeling pressured for how long to give oneself. In all fairness, for what to lead upto, a joyful, drunken state, does any other seem bothered about the timing? 

In the forest; naturally. If to take away all that righteous mind of theirs. Put them on a path like everyone else, will find how they are actually a slave to themselves. While they come across all high and mighty, some might say toffee nosed. The truth being told, are in the same boat as every other. For the cause to give. 

In the stones; just remember for those who gave all the encouragement as they're still there where to left them now to rise above, not just them looking up as it wouldn't hurt if to look down with them sometime, love however is neither high above nor below it is a mutual level-headed shared feelings.

Jeremiah Ch.48:V.12 " - Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will send unto him wanderers, that shall cause him to wander, and shall empty his vessels, and break their bottles."

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (4th September 2024)

Their hearts in the right place, and are committed to the task ahead. However, they only ever get moving for one reason. 

Not everyone gets the details told to by that little birdy. While they spread their wings, there is only at a distance they go. The rest is left upto the one that gets told, now who is the little birdy. 

Not all thoughts to imagine become real. Mind playing games on certain situations. Could say, read the room, but it's outside the window and beyond to play it out. 

While it is a kissed frog turned Prince. Think for how it is to them, practically saved them from living in a swamp. There's more magic in that kiss than to believe. 

Can see the life shine bright within their eyes. It's what attracts towards them, that living, breathing, everything going for them. Yet, even monsters have eyes. Just try not to dive in too deeply too soon. Tempting, of course, especially with those eyes. Others had before, and things can change. Be it good, or worse. 

In the forest; it's one of those wonders to ponder over for years. Becomes a point of interest, a historical site, a place of heritage. No one ever lived around the locality of it. Until now, and now it becomes an eyesore. Makes that wonder soon ask for whom is in charge of such monument. 

In the stones; it's more than just jewellery it's a symbolic gesture of their belief, it has an ancient tale to relate to the young generation, love has grown upon that belief and folklore it could be a key to open up their mind body and soul.

St. Matthew Ch.24:V.27 " - For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." 

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (3rd September 2024)

Can still be long in the tooth, ideally it will always be seen as in a nutshell. 

Secluded and silent for such a high-tech entry system. What's to hide if no one hardly calls around to see. 

Already in agreement with eachother, what's with all the swords and daggers. 

Can't juggle with things that are being dragged through the mud sideways. 

While busy thinking are playing Wendy houses, were ignorant to realise, also are inside that Wendy house, too. It's like how that story goes with the tortoise and the hare. It's getting so old now, others can see it especially the tortoise arriving with a walking stick nowadays.

In the forest; being with so much space, the wide open area, freely to roam as so to please. There would not be such a jukebox jury on anything slight. Of all the available options, and are subjected to accepting one thing agreed upon. Perhaps life isn't as free as to believe. Only, according to whom? 

In the stones; thing with diamond people is they catch everyone's eye quite easily, this huge interest from everyone is what makes them a diamond in the rough, love cannot put that sparkle out to avoid others being keen but will make them shine brighter.

Ezekiel Ch.12:V.25 " - For I am the LORD: I will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall come to pass; it shall be no more prolonged: for in your days, O rebellious house, will I say the word, and will perform it, saith the Lord GOD." 

Monday 2 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (2nd September 2024)

While rude and offensive yet no one else seems to be giving any attention. So least it's something. 

Keep spewing out so much garbage, let's hope it doesn't result in eating those own words. 

These pages to keep turning, they resemble a bridge being raised and lowered. Every now and then, to build across upon every fresh turn of a new leaf. 

Seriously, for what's still to come there really is no need for the trapeze act prior to going down that long tunnel. 

It's not that are blind-sided from what's before those very eyes. Just don't make matters any easier by keeping out of sight. Will have to seek for that devil's in the detail, since others are supposedly to know. 

In the forest; under the cover of darkness the journey takes. Not by the darkened sense of need for journey. The direction to be going in, overshadowed and towering above. The path leads through deep valleys where light is sparce. Lost woods of many corners to turn. Cloud that let's no sunshine through. And it's a choice to take this given route. 

In the stones; some know what is needed to be done while some need instructing, those under instruction do they have more say on what is needed than for the ones who know already what is needed, love is not going to repeat themselves when they truly behold what is to have already.

2 Kings Ch.19:V.33 " - By the way that he came, by the same shall he return, and shall not come into this city, saith the LORD." 

Sunday 1 September 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (1st September 2024)

Dark times for what once was regularly occurring and now no more. Like a bird in a cage often to be gawped at by a prancing cat. Only to replace that cat with a docile, clueless, dog. 

Stare at it all to want, it won't be any different nor change anytime. It'll still continue to be the same òle same òle. 

And so things become as they intend to be. From a vision to reality, are now that exact imagined idol. 

As gentle as nature are those hands, to cusp around to be the nest for a bird. Gentle and also protective. Anyone knows, nature can have a cruel hand to play, also. 

The book is the key, it's what begins the motion for everything to start moving. Don't even have to turn a page, just rest it gently in the position for a place to settle. Soon then see how far and wide it'll spread to get. And in a distance will see giants like mountains standing tall. 

In the forest; consider oneself as just a visitor. There might be a chief to the camp, might pay homage and stay within that camp. While to recapture the moment by taking memorable photos. Still, even now, do not know why, who, or how, that chief operates. That's because, are just a visitor and not born amongst them over a time of centuries with ancient tales to share. 

In the stones; it might take another's dream to see beyond the minds and thoughts of everyone, although imaginative yet inspired by all the commotion revolving around inside their brain to create such dreams, love dreams in a similar way for something they wish for by knowing something exists from everyone's daily lives.

Jeremiah Ch.51:V.60 " - So Jeremiah wrote in a book all the evil that should come upon Babylon, even all these words that are written against Babylon."